The beauty of nature must be preserved (Scenery).

in #conserve7 years ago (edited)


Nature provides many benefits to human beings, one of which is the beauty of the "Air terjun 7 bidadari" located in (Indonesia) Aceh Utara, which is very extraordinary beauty and stunning, as we have seen in the picture or have visited it directly.
The 'Airterjun 7 bidadari' waterfall is a good and interesting tourist attraction, not many people can visit there because of its long distance and difficult to pass by vehicles.Four visitors who visit "Air terjun 7 bidadari" usually after half way they store their vehicles at the Geurudong Pase farm complex or often called (Kodim), then continue the very extreme walk, from the farm complex to get there to spend about four hours.
The journey to "Air terjun 7 bidadari" takes a struggle and is very tiring but after arriving there all so lost because of curiosity has been answered, it wants to enjoy longer coolness and beauty of natural scenery there.
"Air terjun 7 bidadari" has its own charm, its place is full of treesana, the water is very clear, the atmosphere is very cool and still many other attraction.
Indonesia also has an incredible natural wealth that makes us need to be aware to always maintain and preserve nature.
hopefully the beauty of "Air terjun 7 bidadari" remains awake sustainability until until later, so that later generations to come to see and enjoy the beauty.

miss nature.



Alam memberikan banyak manfaat untuk manusia, salah satunya adalah keindahan "Air terjun 7 bidadari" bertempat di (Indonesia) Aceh Utara, yang sangat luarbiasa keindahannya dan menabjubkan, seperti yang pernah kita lihat di gambar atau pernah mengunjunginya langsung.
''Air terjun 7 bidadari" merupakan tempat wisata yang masih bagus dan menarik, tidak banyak orang yang dapat berkunjung ke sana karena jarak tempuh nya yang jauh dan sulit dilewati kendaraan. wisatawan yang mengun jungi "Air terjun 7 bidadari" biasanya setelah sampai setengah perjalanan mereka menyimpan kendaraannya di komplek pertanian Geurudong Pase atau sering disebut dengan (Kodim), lalu melanjutkan perjalanan kaki yang sangat ekstrim, dari komplek pertanian menuju sampai kesana menghabiskan waktu sekitar empat jam.
Menempuh perjalanan menuju "Air terjun 7 bidadari" butuh perjuangan dan sangat melelahkan tetapi setelah tiba di sana semua jadi hilang karena rasa penasaran telah terjawab, rasanya ingin lebih lama menikmati kesejukan dan keindahan pemandangan alam disana.
"Air terjun 7 bidadari" memiliki daya tarik tersendiri, tempatnya dipenuhi pe pohonana, air sangat jernih, suasana sangat sejuk dan masihbanyak daya tarik lainnya.
Indonesia juga memiliki kekayaan alam yang luar biasa yang membuat kita perlu menyadari untuk selalu menjaga dan melestarikan alam.
semoga keindahan "Air terjun 7 bidadari" tetap terjaga kelestariannya hingga sampai nanti, agar kelak generasi yang mendatang dapat melihat dan menikmati keindahannya.

rindu alam.



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That is a great picture. Nature is really beautiful it is for us to put measures in place to protect it in order to main it beauty

thanks for the comment