Philosophea: Solutions (Introduction)

in #consciousness8 years ago

Philosophea may be described as the content of this consciousness. From the metaphysics of Part I the reader may come to view the world of mankind’s inventions in a new and different light, one which is more integral than the prevailing fear-based perspective of patriarchy and selfish dominance; from this new perspective the content of Part II may be read and interpreted in a more open, yet skeptical way, in which the author and reader may actually meet eye to eye in imagining a better world. In the course of this journey, the author suggests keeping a mindset of exploratory agnosticism, and keeping in mind the words of Aristotle that “It is the mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without believing it” as well as the words of Einstein that, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”. We encourage the reader not to believe everything they read in this book or elsewhere, but rather to do their own research and discover the truth for themselves.
As we mentioned in the preface, eugenesis, the practice of controlling genes and memes through positive and passive methods such as participatory education, participatory wisdom councils, and participatory economy, is the sum total of what this book will be describing (particularly in Part II). What eugenesis implies is a good nativity, or positive origin: a foundation of positivity and wisdom from which we can move forward into a level one civilization. The metaphysics of Part I will aid in the reader's discovery of their own innate virtue, and hopefully cause them to explore their own natural humanity.
Much of these ideas may seem new or original, but I believe they came from a greater source, a higher mind. My inspiration came to me at the age of eighteen, through much meditation and inward searching with limited knowledge and limited to moderate outward searching. It was then that I happened to experience the Zeitgeist movie by Peter Joseph and in the Addendum the following year, Jacque Fresco, founder of The Venus Project. Both of these films had a profound effect on me at that time.
After watching the first Zeitgeist movie, I decided that a solution had to be made, and I set out to do so with passion and righteous vigor. Then, after a year of conceptualization and creating a solution in my mind, I saw Zeitgeist: Addendum, and decided that neither the Zeitgeist movement or the Venus Project had a comprehensive enough plan to really create a better world. I realized that it would not be any one of these movements alone that would change the world, but each of them working in concert under a fundamentally more comprehensive plan and paradigm, or more importantly by a popular world movement for peace, guided by an alternative paradigm and a comprehensive plan for world civilization. Thus began my journey to study and understand the world we live in so that I could effectively help solve our world's most prolific and pervasive problems.
Prior to writing this book I had a vision of my own, of a world without war, poverty, and ignorance, all of which I had discovered were derivative of a cultural narrative of fear. The narrative of fear is a meme that has existed for thousands of years, and for thousands of years it was true for everyone everywhere, and, therefore, valid. Today this once legitimate fear has turned into paranoia, causing the artifices of humanity -- and in effect humanity itself -- to do evil. Multinational corporations like Nestle, fearing entropy or decay, seek to privatize and control the world’s water supply, and thus the world; Monsanto, once a highly successful chemical manufacture known for agent orange, roundup, and recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), similarly fearing competition in the food market, has patented its genetically modified seeds, seeking control over the world's food supply, and thus the world. For he that controls the world’s food controls the world. Such parasitic practices constitute a syndrome of decay, which can result in nothing less than the decline of civilization, and nothing more than mass extinction.
However, if there is an Akashic record, or a greater consciousness system that stores, and thus avails all previously existing moments perceived by consciousness to those entities complex enough in their consciousness to do so, it is likely that this book was inspired by that source, or perhaps this meme wanted to come into being for the betterment of the planet and used me, as they use us all, as a conduit for its manifestation. More than likely, however, this book is, as we have said, a product of its times and a reflection of the coming civilization rooted in planetary consciousness, ready for universal change.
The idea of consciousness, and its complexity, is not lost on the modern world. Yet all too often this subject is way too big and daunting for many of us to face. Nonetheless, the importance of this greater energetic system, this force of nature, is paramount in our time. If we do not learn to control and harness our consciousness, as we have other forces in creating the iPhone and the Internet, we will likely destroy ourselves and much of the life on this planet with us.
In his book, The Evolving Self, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, professor of psychology at the University of Chicago states that: “the early Confucians understood something extremely important to human well being: that the best way to live is by learning to control consciousness, and that to control consciousness one must cultivate certain skills, acquiring a discipline which seems like mindless ritual, but eventually sets us free to be in harmony with the universal order” (pg. 169). He also goes on to say, “Those… who master enough skills to find flow in more complex activities tend to develop selves that can transform everyday events, even when these events threaten to bring chaos and entropy in their wake, into meaningful experiences” (pg. 204) Thus it is not a matter of should, not a matter of my opinion, but a matter of universal importance that we learn to grasp, control, and master our own destiny and evolve past the antiquated and obsolete conventions of the past. This book will act as a guidepost in the pathless land of truth, wherein you must discover the power to control and discipline yourself, and cultivate your consciousness.
It is by disciplining ourselves that we reach a state of mastery, and in reaching a state of mastery experience being in the zone, or flow. The pursuit of, and immersion in this experience is its own reward. Studies about flow have shown that when our attention is not focused on a goal, our mind tends to be filled with disjointed and depressing thoughts. Whereas if one or more people has a goal in mind and challenges themselves to be in a state of flow, people experience enjoyment for the sake of doing and being, even achieving states of transcendence where their self awareness fades into a deeper union and balance with their overall consciousness of the environment. Repetitive jobs and consistent television watching are examples of how our current society ignores and avoids the flow state for one reason or another—usually convenience, failing to recognize the intrinsic value which the flow state has to offer.
Building the new paradigm, which this book is about principally, is about integrating the flow state into everyday life, as well as consciousness, empathy, and receptivity into our moment-to-moment experience. By shifting the purpose of life from making money and having security—illusions by any critical standard—to cultivating trust, receptivity, empathy and flow, we are more likely to be, not only more productive, but happier and more secure (in our relationships and in our being) as well.
In Part II, we will go over the universal synthesis of the polarities and conflicting ideologies of our modern world. Addressing the dialectic of chapter one we go over how contrasting and conflicting perspectives and choices can be coalesced and brought into balance with techniques from positive psychology and methods of facilitation.