Take it easy dude, but take it ! - reporting about personal experiences with the spirit molecule
What is our mission, who are we?
Hello dear readers,
As this is our first post on Steem we thought we would at first introduce ourselves to you guys. We are a young couple of 20 (f) and 25 (m) years of age. To keep things a little more discrete we will just call ourselves by random nicknames, Jebediah (m) and Gertrude (f).
We decided to try out a new adventure together, this adventure consists of exploring new dimensions on DMT. And as this right now is getting a little bit more popular we decided to write and report about our experiences.Both of us already tried out DMT and Changa but at that point of time we didn’t know each other. And I, Gertrude did not smoke it effectively before- only in a Joint and not in a glass pipe- and i did not achieve any major results with it.
I, Jebediah, already smoked Changa in a glass pipe and achieved a breakthrough - what also inspired Gertrude to give this another try.We often talked about our earlier experiences on DMT and other substances, as we both had a few experiences with those things . But the magic of entering the void made us interested in DMT / Changa.
I, Gertrude also was interested in Joe Rogan, Terence McKenna, Ram Dass stories etc. (i can recommend you to listen to a few lectures from them on youtube if it is to your interest) and wanted to know as to what extend i could explore/ experience similar things to them. As a philosophy student this whole subject or more like this tool to explore the mind also is really interesting.
I, Jebediah work as an computer scientist. So I knew how to get Changa via the Internet. After buying some Changa some time went by until we actually tried it out and made our plans a reality, i guess we were just waiting until it felt “right”.
Up until now we have tried it out two times together, once using a glass pipe and the other time Changa rolled up in a Joint.In this blog we concentrate mostly on our subjective experiences and leave the basic informational stuff behind, cause that is easy available everywhere on the internet.
But still, just for some really basic information:
DMT (= Dimethyltryptamin) is a psychedelic drug, which occurs in many plants, fruits and in our brain. DMT is distributed to our body when we are dreaming, dying and during birth. Changa is DMT added with mao-inhibitors to increase the duration of the effects. It is used in shamanic cultures (just like the amazonas) to speak with their gods (the nature).
DISCLAIMER! we do not recommend the usage of drugs etc. please ask your doctor before actual usage. This is just an entertaining text protocol. Please be careful and inform yourselves before using such/any substances.
“First” attempts
The first time trying Changa together we actually did it on a whim. On a quiet evening it just came to our mind, and so we decided to try it out outside on the balcony, rolled up in a joint. As a result of acting spontaneously we happened to eat a lot and without concern during the day. E.q. Jebediah drank beer during the day. We also ate food with acidic ingredients like fruits and sweet drinks. Furthermore we smoked tobacco and weed. In the following we will separate the subjective experiences according to J (Jebediah) and G (Gertrude) so that you can follow us more easily.
G: I went first and immediately was hit with this particular weird taste. It is hard to describe this to one who hasn’t had tried it by himself. Especially in a Joint, the bitter- sweet- kind of like puke- taste takes a little time to get used to but it really is bearable. You actually do not have to take many hits to make out some effects.
I think i took probably about 3-4 hits until i started to have the so called “body-load”, at first your hands might get a little shaky and you start feeling funny. Me, for my part, after some uncomfortableness, felt very good and happy. Things happened really fast from there on, with every puff the experience would get more intense and things started to look very odd really fast. I always am amazed of the quickness, force (especially of optical illusions) and variety of Changa. Every trip really is something else with an unique “wow” effect, but this one was kind of like even more special to me than the ones i had before. As usual colours got really intensified. From our balcony you had a nice view on trees and houses in different varieties of the colour orange, which gave a pleasant sight. What made this trip kind of different to the ones i had before was the quickness of the changing of the whole essences of what i was seeing, of the houses and the balcony furnishings in front of me. At best i can describe it to you as going through an art gallery where the drawing style of the same scene/picture changes really fast, with every picture, with every glance you take. Things presented themselves differently, or more like, i looked at/ experienced them differently. At every glance something else was highlighted and in center. At one point it felt a little like not only i was experiencing the things and “interacting” with them but that they also interacted/ communicated in a way with me… sounds weird but as if the houses and things in front of me had a being/ essence of their own which wanted to be seen or expressed. I had to laugh really hard because the blue table on the balcony just was funny in almost a human way. I continued taking hits and Jebediah had to take the Joint away from me or otherwise I would have left him out. I then closed my eyes out of curiosity- what would I see with my eyes shut? I did not know how I came to this place or what was before but i remember a sphere of black bodies which were kind of like fluidly moving into one another, in general there was blackness but all through it there were points of light in different white coloured tones with light accents of colour, which also defined the different bodies. It were all kind of like female-ish figures and they were kind of like erotic in a distinct way, moving around and flowing into another and were one with the space around them. Afterwards i remembered that i had seen artwork which almost looked like what i saw, drawn by Jeff Sullivan (his artwork is amazing and inspired by oneness, shamanism, spirituality and nature). I had the feeling that they wanted to express something or that i could have communicated with them but as soon as i was a little deeper into the experience i felt Jebediahs arms embracing me and i woke up out of this whole scenario, which made me a little sad because i really wanted to explore that.
After this, the effects were slowly wearing off and suddenly i felt really nasty in the stomach the awful taste was still caught in my lungs and mouth. I feared having to puke cause the feeling got worse and so i stood up. My intuition was right and as soon as i stood up i knew that i was going to puke really soon. I ran to the bathroom and barely made it ...ok, not really, a little bit did not go where it should because i still was wobbly on my legs, still high and not running fast enough. Afterwards we suspected that this could have been avoided if we wouldn’t have had eaten so bad before. After i cleaned up i came back to hear J. out on his experience and to cuddle with him, we were both still pretty tired from the Changa and also went to sleep soon afterwards.
I feel like i only scratched the surface of my experience here and we also wrote down our experiences weeks after the actual thing, i guess we did not give it our all there. In general it’s as if you can never really vocalize the whole thing only some things remain really present.
J: During Gertrude’s turn I observed her. It was like she was seeing something on the table which isn’t physically here. I took the joint from Gertrude to avoid leaving me out. The taste was terrible. It tasted like thrown-up. I felt really unpleasant (internally agitated) and a light kind of body-load was introduced to myself. It was comparable to the effects of some Salvia Divinorum. Every inhale made me more nauseous. This was caused by the combination of the food, the drinks and the mao-inhibitors. The lights, the shadows and the colours began to dance and blur into each other. It seemed like a filterless view of our physical world. That’s like I imagine how an autistic would see the world. The effects popped up quickly and I smoked more of the joint. Meanwhile Gertrude ran to the bathroom because she had to throw up. I was close to throw up too but I was able to suppress it. The effect of the Changa disappeared as fast as it had turned up. But the nausea stayed longer than the effects and disappeared completely during the evening.

Digging deeper
After our first experience we decided to do things more conscious and different, also to avoid puking and to achieve other things. So we decided to give the glass pipe a try. We woke up early and had sex, we decided not to have breakfast andonly drank water. For lunch we only had some bread with butter and light toppings, which would not be heavy on our stomachs or digestion. We were a little bit sad because the weekend was already over. But that feeling didn’t dissuade us from our project. We already had a spot in mind in the forest to which we wanted to go to. Before we started our journey we had to clean the glass pipe. Also a spider and a moth got lost in our apartment so we gave them freedom, now we were ready to go. When we arrived we wandered through the forest and explored the terrain, we came across some caves and ruins of a castle and wondered if this would kind of like influence our trip - J imagined speaking with lost souls from the ruins like knights form the castle. We found a blocked section which enabled us to be alone.We unfolded the mat we brought with us and made ourselves comfortable. Gertrude was unsure about smoking Changa she did not feel so well all day and gets stressed out quickly, so Jebediah took the first turn. We unpacked the glass pipe and made a bowl full of Changa.
J: I took the first hit and contrary to my expectation (the last hit of Changa was 3 years ago) the smoke was light and easy to inhale. I quickly took the second hit. I tried to hold in both hits as long as I can. After exhaling the second hit my view changed instantly. I wanted to take a third hit but it wasn’t possible because I wasn’t able to separate objects from the air. Everything was broke into fractals of triangles and hexagons. That’s why Gertrude took the bong from me. I wasn’t even able to hold my eyes open. All I was able to say was:”oh shit” and my head fell into Gertrudes lap. After closing my eyes it still felt like my eyes were open. It was like another dimension because my view was full of colours and contrasts. Bad Thoughts and good thoughts popped up and disappeared. But nothing was true, nothing was reality. The only reality was my pillow - Gertrude. I realized that suction extracted myself out of my body. My body was stuck between time and room. I hovered into a completely white room. Suddenly the white room changed and I was flying through the air. The sun made the air glittering like the sea. I saw a giant statue on top of a mountain. I passed the statue and realized that I was flying over Rio de Janeiro. The statue was Cristo Redentor. I felt free like a bird because I was part of the air. Opening the eyes was really uncomfortable. Slowly I began to open my eyes like a child after birth. The reality was really unreal comparing to my flight through the air. It looked like another planet. Gertrude was littered with triangles and hexagons all over her face. She looked very interesting - like an alien or an angel. Keeping my eyes open still was uncomfortable and I felt like I peed in my pants but I didn’t. I wasn’t able to talk more than two words to Gertrude (“oh honey”). I repeated the words in a second frequency. Fifteen minutes after taking my hits a man came into the blocked section and went away instantly after seeing us sitting next to the bong.
G: I needed persuasion from Jebediah. I was not feeling so well during the day or in general around that time, even though the hiking and spending time with J in general are always chill and beautiful.
Many different things made me worry: unsureness about my career, health problems during the hike, questions about maybe negative impacts of things like Changa in kind of a spiritual way?, the fear of someone suddenly interrupting us,... and i wondered if this would bring anything good to me. I also was averse because i feared it to be much more disgusting/ sore on my lungs through the bong than it already was with the Joint and i did not want to vomit after the first head. I also asked myself if my aversion and negative thoughts in general would afflict my trip to be negative and that this fact alone should be enough evidence for me not to participate, even though that concern was more like minor. I eventually got my shit together, after all I wanted to explore, to maybe have an breakthrough that might bring me to greater truth about the world and me and we already came out all the way out there. Jebediah also made it look really easy and uncomplicated which soothed me. He just has this calm aura that calms you (or me in this case i guess) and gives you the feeling of everything being fine. So i took my first hit.
After inhaling it, i already felt the effects really intensely. It wasn’t hurting or disgusting at all to my great relief. I did not leave the smoke inside for too long because i really wanted a second or even third hit - should have kept it in longer: Quality over Quantity. I already had a really hard time holding the bong or thinking straight at the first hit, all flowed together into “one”, but i still made a second one. I had a hard time looking down on the bong and the lighter and differentiating what was me and what wasn’t or grasping what was happening. Eventually J had to grab the pipe, otherwise i would have just dropped it. To my disadvantage and unpreparedness i forgot to close my eyes but i also couldn’t even say if they were really open or closed actually. I think i left them open. I had major optical illusions with geometrical patterns all over the things i was seeing and to our surprise afterwards i also had kind of like negative and positive thoughts in similar ways to J also such as: “Oh god, i hope i haven’t pissed my pants,...” cause at this point i did not have full control over me, i guess that may be a general weird human fear when you feel in no control over your body, that sth really embarrassing would happen and that people dear to you suddenly have an aversion or disgust to you. There are some weird cringe stories on the internet of people going randomly naked in the restaurant or running through the village at 5 am, thinking they are the new messiahs, waking everyone up.
Except for the “normal” optical illusions i did not experience anything that would compare to my experience before f.e. with the women. I guess your state of mind beforehand influences the trip a lot and so i was more concerned with my thoughts, which still was rewarding and insightful in a way. I soon wanted to tell J something but i had a difficult time talking. It was as if i did say words and sentences out of habit but when i then tried to think about what i just said it felt as if my mouth had moved and formed syllables and noises but they lost their meaning. J was glowing like a saint or angel and it felt as if words were a really weird construct, just noises we decided to give meaning to but actually they themselves had/ have no meaning. Two humans come together and talk but what actually matters is that they come together as beings, at last it felt kind of like this but maybe my philosophical influence took the lead here - but to be honest I am not a good philosopher or as indulged in my academic work as i should be, so this is predominantly my own philosophical bullshit. One other thing was a major subject in my thoughts at this point: I have to be more gentle and calm inside myself and to myself. I was thinking about the hike from before and how i might push my feeling of “bad health” by myself to some extent and so i actually experience something like this through my thoughts or am kind of like feeding and manifesting the feeling of sickness. Like a mantra you keep telling yourself and with time you start believing it and also feeling and experiencing it physically.
Afterwards we weren’t as tired as the last time and we were happy that we have found a way to experiment much more easily. In the future i want to focus more on a specific intention beforehand because i think up until now i still did not achieve a breakthrough. I measure this by the statement of: when you had one, you do not need to ask yourself if it was one, you definitely know.

We need more posts like this on steemit ! Congratulations for your initiative ! 👏
yeah, definitely ! thank you for your support :)
Hello there @dinadine , or ... I better say J & G :)
First of all welcome to the Steemit community. Second, I am very sorry I only saw this post after the 7 window-upvote!
Either way, the experience you have reported here is something I am currently very interested in. I've been searching the web to gain more insight into this whole DMT journey. Finding you guys here is like finding a forgotten bank note in a back pocket :P
If I may, I would like to suggest you guys to break your text into paragraphs a bit more often. And, ideally, use more h2 headers. It will make the reading of your content even more pleasant! Easy on the eyes. It will attract more readers! :D
I have only read up to "digging deeper". I need to go back to work in a few minutes. But, I will surely come back to finish it!
All the best to you two. I wish you a successful Steemit journey.
Also, Jebediah, in case you decide to blog about computer sciences, don't hesitate to use the steemstem tag. For more information about our science community please go to our discord channel. If you wish you can say I invited you :)
There you can find guidance of how to write posts that fulfill the community's (steemstem) criteria, which will make your blogs possibly eligible for support! Cool right?
All right, I better go now.
Bye bye for the moment!
Hello @abigail-dantes and thank you for your feed- back, we really aprecciate it :)
I am sorry but we are right now wondering what you could mean with that you only saw it "after the 7 window-update"?
As we are new on Steem we are thankful to receive advice from more experienced bloggers. We also have thought up about dividing this biiiig post up into two at the beginning but the "first time blogging" enthusiasm got over usxD. We will definitely make more paragraphs, that's probably needed.
We also wish you all the best and thank you for the tips (we will also definitely look up the discord channel) !
By the way: what do you work? And have you studied psychology, as you are addicted to it? I (Gertrude) also played with the thought of studying it :D
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Hello there Gertrude :)
It's nice to hear from you.
Yes, I have studied psychology and still do! One never really stops studying it. Or, is this an excuse I use to cover up my addiction :P? I am much older than you, I am 37 and I have had a long loving relationship with psychiatry/psychology and I do recommend it as a path to take in life. It's very rewarding.
As for the 7 window-upvote, here on this platform. One's upvote only increases the value of a post within a seven-day period after the article is posted. After that there is no more increase in value :) As you explore Steemit you will learn little by little the ways of the platform and the community itself.
Best wishes,
How interesting ! It is a very cool subject to study and i wish you all the best for that. Yes i guess that also is one of the great aspects of psychology - the applicableness and ongoing relatability ...
Have you heard of Ram Dass/ dr. richard Alpert? He was a psychology professor at Harvard but now is teaching about spirituality because of experiences he had while experimenting with lsd in the 70's with Timothy Leary -would be interesting for you as you are interested in both subjects i guess.
Ah yes, we thought so about the 7 window upvote. Good to know and thank you :)
Posted using Partiko Android
No, I haven't heard of Dr. Alpert ... rings a bell. Just don't remember if it's Richard Alpert though ... I am going to look him up ! :D