Right and Left Brain Imbalance

Having aspects of our brain functioning correctly and operating in balance and harmony, can be likened to a CEO. The chief executive officer is the one that makes decisions and directs the company. In terms of the brain, this is the neocortex.

Imagine, if you will, that the CEO becomes ill. This means middle management is required to take over and fill in for the CEO, and engage in executive functions in their place. Middle management are the other parts of the brain, the limbic midbrain and the base hindbrain. A proper functioning new cortex were CEO makes good and reasonable executive decisions, and can override the influence of middle and lower management.

But not when the CEO gets sick. If our brain functionality at the executive level of the neocortex becomes damaged or does not function properly, the lower parts of the brain have more influence over what happens in the whole brain.

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The left and right hemispheres operate together, not separated. There is a bridge connecting them in the midbrain called the corpus callosum. If the top part of the brain is in imbalance where one hemisphere or dominating the other hemisphere, this creates a disharmony and disrupts proper equilibrium and balance at the executive level.

Someone focuses on left brain more masculine modalities of consciousness, this can mean that they have are not using the right feminine modalities as much. The same is true in the other direction. Being chronically imbalanced in one side or the other will create an imbalance overall between how the two hemispheres are supposed to work in balance as a whole brain unit. Focusing on thinking and suppressing feeling, or focusing on creativity and suppressing logical analysis, are examples.

That doesn't mean we don't have natural predispositions that we are more inclined towards. But chronically living in one modality and excluding the other part of our capacities in consciousness divides us within.

If we focus too much on the right brain qualities, like nurturing, creativity, imagination, feelings, etc., we end up in the clouds of a "spiritually" minded person, and not being grounded in the reality of the physical world. This can mean not looking to the past or future, but focusing on the "now" and "present moment", living for pleasure and gratification to feel good, avoiding the negative of life, escapism, and being led by emotions unable to discern truth from belief. This can lead to becoming passive and not standing up for ourselves.

A focus on the physical alone, without any concern for consciousness potentials, where survival becomes the focus, and aggression and dominance can manifest instead of passivity or being a slave to emotions. Left brain imbalance leads to being a "master" over others to survive, to wanting to control other people's actions. The right brain imbalance is about being more of a "slave" and letting others dictate things, to follow orders.

How we behave is largely influenced by the brain. Understanding how e function is a benefit for learning about ourselves, but if we don't know and others do, they can use that knowledge to manipulate us. The knowledge can b used as a weapon for soft mind control. We should learn more about how we function in order to not fall prey to the negative consequences of that ignorance.