UNIVEARTH - A theory based on a hidden connection between nature, consciousness and technological evolution.

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Welcome to the first episode of this book I'm working on, based on real life experiences and many years of research on what’s available for us in this so called plane(t). We know that the most of important information and technological advances are hidden to the common public. But once you know how this machine works it easy to connect the dots and find out very interesting things hidden in plain sight. And control it!

I think you need to know some of my most important experiences in my life so we can start connecting dots about what life is about. Many close people and not so close, sometimes even strangers for some reason they start talking to me about problems in their lives. Business, love, family, medical condition, goals, career, superation, depression, etc... And every story connects instantly with situations in my life which I think this happen very often to all of us. But what I believe is special is how life showed me how to create our own reality and how to have total control of everything that surrounds your life.

We need to start believing that the person reading this is not just some human. We have a purpose, and share information is one of them. Because the evolution is on the information.

A little of my background... I'm a graphic artist with knowledge on computer science, psychology, neuroscience, law, history, letters, bla, bla.... Yes I'm a curious man with lots of free time in my youth, and no parents around to indoctrinate me with some systematic answers. So I read a lot to answer questions...lots of questions.

I had three near death experiences in my life. Yes, not having parents around, careless older sisters and a curious boy…not a good combo. First time I was 4 years old, felt from a third floor straight to some stairs, hit my head pretty hard. The only thing I remember 3 persons just staring at me when I was bleeding out they weren’t helping me at all just talking, couldn’t remember what they were saying, nor see the face just blurry images. Then woke up in a hospital bed.

13 years old. Went to the ocean in Manzanillo, Mexico with one of my friends and his family. Went into the ocean and I was being careless trying to swim too far, I start drowning, no one was looking. Remember my last breath of water, then three persons pulling me out but I was in a different beach actually it was the same but no one there, it was an empty beach, I am pretty sure you heard about the multiverse or different planes in this universe. Well it felt like I was on a different plane, of course I didn’t know that in that time. The same three persons I saw before were the same persons that pulled me out of the ocean. You will find out why I assume that. I’m out the ocean laying down on this empty beach the three persons were gone. Woke up throwing up the salty water and I was in the same place but with all the people in the beach. No one noticed anything I supposed, I went straight to my friend and told him about what happened, he was surprise because he told me he was watching me and his story was; I went swimming I was coming back I submerged around 5-10 seconds and got out. The only thing we agreed was that when I got out the ocean I look exhausted and felt to the ground coughing and throwing up water, he was on his way to ask what happened but saw me getting up and walk towards him. That happened the first day at the beach, for some reason I got very sick and had to stay in the hotel room the entire vacations.

25 years old. This time was a very hard time on my life but very satisfactory at the end. At that age I was working full time and most of the days I had to do over time. You know, living the American dream. At the same time I was trying to finish school going on my days off and sometimes in the morning before work, homework and projects at night time I was getting very little sleep and just eating fast food and energy drinks for quite a while. The energy drinks stopped working in my organism I had a lot of pressure at college because I was chosen to do the talk in the graduation and besides that I had to do the graphic art for the event. Someone suggested cocaine. I know bad choice but had to get things done. After graduation I went home little celebration with the roomies I started feeling this pain in my chest and arm couldn’t talk, went to my room and lay down I started to hyperventilate, heart pounding my chest I realized what was happening. Started fighting it but just got so tired that I decided to let go. You know… the tunnel with the white light at the end is true. But guess who showed up, yeap my three guardian angels, but this time I finally could see the face of two of them.

To be continued…