Lies, the destruction of unity

in #conflict7 years ago

There live two great friends in the suburb of a very quiet town . They were so close that, people anticipated them as twins in the town. They did almost everything together and were a leaving example of true friendship in the town.

But they had different characters when it came to treating people and their families. One of them was quick tempered with no sympathy and was a living example of the statement ‘do before you complain'. He was found of taking actions before any explanation could be made. The other one was the exact opposite and this was the secret of their friendship which was envied by many in the town.

One day the quick tempered man had headache at work and was asked to take some rest. Upon returning home, he spotted his daughter frolicking with his best friend’s son in their compound. He sacked the girl into the house and started interrogating the boy . The boy tried cooking some lies forgetting he was caught red-handed. Before the boy could make any explanation, the man slapped him and unfortunately he got bruises at his chin.

He cried home to his father. Instead of narrating the whole scene to his father, he told his father he was standing with his friends daughter and the man hit his chin with a stick. Upon hearing this, he got fumed. Instead of investigating his son very well to find out the truth, he got up furiously and headed towards his friends house with his son. He carried a machete along with him.

When they got there, he started passing derogatory comments to his friend and threatens to cut him with the machete if he made any comment. And this was how the conflict between the two families started which nearly developed into a whole town conflict. Luckily it was finally settled at the chief palace. Today, the two men are now enemies. There is no unity between them and they hate each other down to the marrow.

Let the truth begin with you. Do not let your words be the reason why people cannot coexist with each other. Also be patient in your daily dealings with people. Don't make decisions when you are angry. Be the change you can ever be or will like to see in people and make the world a safe and better place for us to leave. Have a bless day.

Remember, change starts with you. Thanks for reading.