Progressive Rant With An Ending I Couldn’t Understand
One of the first things I can remember collecting as a kid are Hot Wheels—little toy matchbox cars I would play with in the dirt and build roads for, towns for, jumps of course, cliffs, paint them with markers, etc. I can remember trips to K-Mart with my mother prior to beginning public schooling, each time we went, I would get a new Hot Wheel. I knew my collection perfectly—I never got a duplicate toy.
I was born and raised a Denver Broncos fan—I could tell you 20 years worth of stats, spell a players first and last name, know their jersey number, have their practice and game schedule memorized, where they played college, who’s in/out on Sunday, manage multiple fantasy teams, etc. It wasn’t until the season before last I finally stopped paying attention to it.
I grew up just outside Los Angeles, California, in the desert—I grew up on dirt bikes, a lot of us did. I always tell people I was riding before I could walk. I knew how much practice time I needed on the bike before races, I knew my gas to oil mixture, how to replace spokes, clean the carburetor, basic mechanical stuff, sure, but for a young kid, I knew my way around motorcycles well. The bikes were always maintained, never dirty, in pristine running condition, fast and reliable—all I had to do was hold on.
My very first cassette tape was No Parking On The Dance Floor by Midnight Star. I had just started kindergarten so I would’ve been either four or five years old—I played it in the classroom one day as part of ‘show n tell.’ That track is still a jam! The very first LP I owned was Michael Jackson’s Thriller and, the following week, I can remember talking my mother into buying me Three Lock Box by Sammy Hagar. I wasn’t older than five—I still know all of the words to each those songs.
My favorite cartoon as a kid was Tom & Jerry. I realize now it’s most likely because they were always breaking things and boys are naturally destructive creatures. I have an all-time favorites list regarding movies, too, I’m a ‘chick-flick’ fan so you know Sweet Home Alabama is on there, as well as, Maid In Manhattan—if Leonardo or Ryan Gosling are in it, odds are it’s going be a good movie.
There isn’t one—it’s pointless. It’s all a bunch of useless information that I was taught to believe is valuable and holds weight.
I was taught there’s three named meals per day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Eggs, pancakes, toast, a waffle, bacon is served in the morning with milk, coffee, orange juice and it’s called breakfast—“the most important meal of the day!” Chips, sandwiches, fruits and snacks are served in the afternoon with tea, water, soda, or another caffeinated drink and it’s called lunch. Meats, salads, potatoes, vegetables, pastas are served in the evening with water, juice or another soda and it’s called dinner. Each of the food items I just listed are part of the four basic food groups—I was taught that too.
Nobody told me it’s not really orange juice. I’ve never seen preservatives listed under any of the #food groups. Why isn’t sugar on the list or at least talked about? Nobody told me how many pigs in the US come from North Carolina where surrounding fish can’t survive in natural bodies of water because of saturated earth caused by pig and swine excrement. That’s a lot of earth! Eggs—that’s another one.
Rather than being taught what macaroni and packaged cheese with chopped up hot dogs is or boxed scalloped potatoes, I was taught how to balance a checkbook. The first time I can remember learning how to balance a checkbook was in Mrs. Mumford’s math class in eighth grade—I would’ve been 12 years old, I was in that same classroom the day of the big earthquake. It seems like I got an annual refresher all throughout the remainder of my public schooling. Canned tuna, ground turkey, it didn’t matter—it took me about 30 something years before I began questioning what’s inside those packages.
I never questioned the Feds, either, I just pay them. Eat the food on the shelves and pay the IRS, everybody pays them and, at the beginning of the year, you get a tax refund, refund tax, whatever it’s called yada yada—I learned how to add lines A through G when I was 16 years old. I know how many dependents I can and can’t get away with, I’m an itemizing, April 15th loathing, taxpaying loyalist but, as far as what’s in it, what’s inside, I have no idea—like a can of tuna or albacore or whatever it is.
I was too busy being conditioned. I was too busy being assigned to read Of Mice and Men one year and then watch the movie, as a class, the following year. What’s the significance for adding John Steinbeck’s 1937 novel to the National Curriculum anyway? Of Mice and Men: A retarded guy named Lenny is escorted around by a guy with a quick tongue, George, together they score a ranch job where Lenny kills a rabbit before killing the ranchers wife, whom he’s infatuated with, by breaking her neck with his hands. And then George, his best friend, put the town at ease by shooting Lenny in the head and killing him—National...
Lenny, how to balance a checkbook, my times tables, sex-ed several times throughout my public schooling, four years of English in high school, sports, pep rally’s, school buses, relationships and parties, government and economics my senior year, mandatory Spanish in Junior High, stop me if you don’t recognize any of these. They’re all a necessary process to achieve the big picture—tainted reality.
Lenny. Don’t be nice to the retarded guy because he doesn’t know his own strength and he can break your neck. Be careful with your quick-witted friends, too, they’ll shoot you in the head. Don’t trust anyone, just do as you’re told and tend to the farm.
Checkbook. Spend money, spend all of it. Track it down to the last penny or don’t keep track of any of it, the ledger is optional but familiarize yourself with it—spend it! “It takes money to make money.” Upon entering college, you won’t qualify for a decent auto loan with an interest rate in single digits but you’re pre-approved for 300 grand at your nearest university—congratulations!
Times tables. Numbers are more important than history, hand shakes, personable conversations, reading comprehension, English, all of it, numbers are required in order to make and receive purchases, not words. Times tables should be learned at the elementary level—don’t mix business with pleasure.
Sex-Ed. Now you know what to expect, visually, when you have your first child. Flirting in the classroom gets a little more intuitive during sex-ed class as you mature, you’ll also know what to expect, visually, when you have your first child—that’s it! Choices that last a lifetime, commitment, preventative measures, how to approach and acknowledge challenged children—you’re on your own. Welcome to parenthood!
English in the US is required at every grade level. The more fluent and knowledgeable you are in English, the less you can communicate with the rest of the world which means it’s less likely you’ll leave. I’m surprised how many people outside the United States speak English but I’m more surprised how many English speaking people can only speak English.
Sports, physical education, it’s all necessary. You’ll use all of your energy, you’ll focus all of your attention on it, train vigorously and then it’s over. Your attention will turn to the television with the same sport continued by athletes who were substantially better than you were so you’ll watch their every move, watch their games and pay attention to their stats. You’ll create your own fantasy leagues, purchase aftermarket attire, stickers for your car and some of you even hold season tickets—I dreamt of that too.
Pep rally’s. How to enter an establishment on a weekly basis, accordingly, in a single file line without incident, with your fellow classmates and assume your previously assigned seating arrangement—seniors on the right, freshmen on the left or vice versa.
School buses. Public transportation preparation is a concern when you’re of legal working age. You’ll need a ride to and from work. Public transportation will be available to your job site and the grocery market, the bank, possibly a post office and the surrounding vicinity will have an occasional public stop. You’ll always be given multiple options to catch a ride to work and to the bank.
Relationships and parties. The only natural occurring events I’ve listed in this entire article, everything else is taught—like racism. Nobody is born identifying their skin color as superior or subordinate to another skin color—it’s taught. You have to be taught that. It’s something you’ve picked up on, learned, and continue to teach.
Government and economics. You’ll learn the branches, in which order offices are gained or appointed, and the lengths of terms. You’ll read about a whole bunch of white guys who signed the Bill Of Right’s, “We The People,” and all of that. They won’t teach you about Alec or lobbying, though. You’ll never have an assignment that asks you to explain the difference between private and public and how that impacts education, prisons, safety and security, federations and last but not least, media—everything you see.
Spanish for two years. Now you know how complicated it is to communicate with anyone outside of your comfort zone—don’t go anywhere. Know what side of the wall you reside on and use a combined effort to increase its strength and appearance. Since grade school I’ve been conditioned to fear Libya, Iraq, Mexico, Panama, Cuba, Russia (Russia is a big one!), not as big as North Korea, though! China, Japan, Germany, are you getting all of this? Africa, Syria, India, not Israel, though! I’ve always been taught “Israel is a US ally” and pretty much every other piece of land on the globe I’ve been conditioned to fear in some way or another—“stay!” They even tried to convince me to steer clear of Australia and New Zealand—I hear they don’t like North Americans.
Conformation complete!
Now you won’t ask questions when you wake up every day before the sun rises, punch a clock for someone else, pay your government fees and make it home in time for dinner—you’ve been practicing since you were five. We’ve not only been taught how to ask questions, we’ve been taught what questions can and can’t be asked—classified. Being absent from your children’s lives is acceptable behavior if you want them to eat, you’re not the only one, generations before you and everyone you work with is equally deprived of their children’s attention—it’s easier for them to be schooled that way. Speaking of eat, feed them the same #food on the shelves you were taught to eat, don’t ask what’s in it, nobody taught you how to do that—reading ingredients takes time and a dictionary, it’s unimportant. Times tables, however, at the elementary level.
Partying and getting together amongst your friends has the potential of landing you in trouble, the only natural occurring thing in this entire article. Party safely and be consciously aware of what you can and can’t do to avoid the strong arm of the law. Fires, loud music, after hours, public beaches, depending where you’re located, if approved, you’ll need a permit for that—those cost money. I wonder how many people reading this aren’t allowed to listen to music? Could you imagine that, #music getting banned from your country?
So, did you read all of this rant or skim your way through? It was a long one, huh? Believe it or not, I cut a lot of it out. How do you end a long winded rant, though, what do you think I should say, “The end?” Will that work or should I continue ranting about nothing? There’s plenty of space for me to do that. Did you watch that whole YouTube clip in the previous paragraph about bands that are banned from various part of the world, even The Beatles? They were banned because they were loved too much—The Beatles have “no artistic merit” according to Israel. There’s multiple reasons for banning a band from your country, I guess, but The Beatles? There was some big time bands on there, The Kinks, Stones, Led Zeppelin—I didn’t know that. The first couple of bands on that clip got banned from various parts of the world and I can’t even understand what they’re screaming about.

Hello there!
That is really astonishing. I guess they just assume everyone else in the world will know English, so... "why bother"?
I see Portugal didn't make that list. I guess the people in the American Government must look at a map, search for Portugal, fail to find it and, once again, ask: "why bother"?
Music being banned is sometimes comprehensible, since their lyrics are too violent or extreme. I'm thinking about bands like Cannibal Corpse or Deicide.
But there are cases where I fail to see the logic... for example, there is a band I like, Within Temptation, a Dutch Melodic Metal band, whose lyrics aren't political in any shape of form.
What is the reasoning for Russia to ban this band? I don't know... and I listened to it when I visited Moscow. No one went trough my MP3 player when I got there. And I didn't knew it was banned at the time. Lucky me.
And then there are bands that I understood if they were banned in the USA. But they aren't. Abnormality is a good example. They are from Massachusetts, United States and maybe the US Government didn't ban them because they couldn't understand the lyrics!!! 😂
Thanks for your article. I liked it so much that I've upvoted it with my second account, too... and I will resteem it. 😄
@trincowski. Thank you for such encouraging words. I’m not gonna lie man, when I get into an article like this where it’s not so much a story of an event per say but my opinion instead, I get nervous clicking that post button. Thank you for your support, it means a lot!
You’ll have to excuse my connection, I clicked on both videos and I don’t have clear enough internet to view them—Danget! I’ll come back though until I can see them both and add to this response.
What could some consequences been had you been caught listening to that band in Russia? How did that happen, were you listening to them and then someone told you that you can’t—how did that work?
Well, Portugal isn’t on the list, correct. But I think it’s safe to say I covered it when I said they taught me to fear “every other piece of land on the globe.” 😉 But specifically Portugal, I think you’re right, they couldn’t find it on the map.
Fun fact, trincowski, the English speaking people who read this article and can only speak English, what I said went right in one eye and out the other.... ‘he’s talking about everyone else.’
Thanks for stopping by, @trincowski. Thanks for the Resteem, sir, I’m really grateful!
You're welcome.
I didn't even know. I only found out after I returned that they were banned in Russia and I never knew why.
Meanwhile, it seems the situation was reversed as Within Temptation have been touring in Russia for the last few months:
Oh well, I guess I'll never know what was that about. I can't even find anything about it on Google, very weird.
Yes! I was able to watch the clips this time, thanks for showing me those, @trincowski. That Abnormality video is wild! Like you said, they’re still performing because the US probably can’t underatand their lyrics—I sure couldn’t! Wild video.
I still can’t figure out what’s so unpeaceful about Within Temptation. 🤔
I don't know. Maybe they were victim of some retaliation against the EU sanctions, seeing that they are a Dutch band and the Dutch Government botched up the investigation of the fallen plane over Ukraine, which added fuel to this whole mess...
Spot on Bro!
I love it when people put my feelings/understandings/visions into words.
Ps, my kid is hooked on all the old shows. Tom n Jerry being one of them. Smurfs, road runner, speedy Gonzalez, etc etc lol. You would be surprised at some of the messaging i am seeing in them. Road runners the best. Everytime he goes meep meep, my kid goes beep beep and my dog starts barking thinking someone is here haha.
Yeah, even fishing or going into the woods was made prohibited here. I was able to go to clubs and get drunk at 16 but God forbid i ride my 4wheeler, camp or fish in the massive woods, thats a felony charge.
That sure is an awesome compliment dude, thank you! My pleasure my friend.
Heck yeah, I watched the Smurf’s too! Man, I can’t believe I forgot about that, thanks for the reminder.
A felony?! It’s a felony to go in the woods? Why? You can’t fish either? Is it private water ways or something? I don’t get it.
Man, I wish I could record this thunder storm we’re having, it sounds so awesome!
Thanks for stopping by @weirdheadaches.
I really dont know why. It was horrible but we still did it. Woods everywhere when i was growing up. Now same no no woods are ALL CUT DOWN w massive apartment complexes everywhere. Glad they protected the fish n wildlife (<sarcasm). Where i live out west is the last remnants of any type of country setting.
Cool, it rained here a little, no thunder: (
This is a 15-30 minutes read.. I'll be back after a few rounds of battling and rumbling 😂.. I just don't get it.. what fun you have by playing the hot wheels?
As a little kid, playing with ants is fun. Hot wheels are a lot better than ants, no? 🤔
15-30.. I’m not sure about that one, you’re an English speaking pro, Miss cicisaja, you could probably do it in 12—piece O cake! How’s Monday treating you?
Thanks for stopping by @cicisaja.
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Whitelisted at ocd?! What a nice surprise this is to wake up to this morning—awesome! Wait’ll I tell my wife this one. 😉
I had you as my witness vote a long time ago @ocd—we’re cool like that, my pleasure!
@m31. I really appreciate your curation consideration, thank you for keeping an eye out for me. The feature you gave me and this Resteem is sofa king encouraging I almost spelled out the actual F bomb—thanks, guys!
I think your childhood is fun, friend ... you live in a very advanced country without ever knowing "poverty". My childhood is not as beautiful as you because my family was poor.
You’re right, elianaelisma, the only thing I know about poverty is what’s taught and shown, I’ve never experienced it first hand—thank God.
I don’t come from a rich family, not in the tiniest bit actually, but I am very blessed to be in the position I am and I’m thankful for my childhood—without it, I wouldn’t be exactly where I am right now. I wish you all of the same blessings. 😉
Thanks for stopping by @elianaelisma.
you have a lot of impression when you were a child and also have mibil toys from matches, I also remember when I was a kid I used to make toys from a few sticks, and was very entertained
Yes! I used to race sticks down the gutters, in the excess water from people washing their cars or watering their lawns—good ol’ day’s!
Happy Monday, sir, do you have anything exciting going on this week?
Thanks for stopping by @ustazkarim.
yes, I also have an interesting thing, when I came home from the market I was wrong to invite people to go home, I thought my wife was about someone's wife..hehe
@dandays You have received a 100% upvote from @botreporter because this post did not use any bidbots and you have not used bidbots in the last 30 days!
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Thank you, @verifyme. Thank you @botreporter.
What’s a bidbot? 😉
Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk
Anytime, @artzone, shooooooot!
Did you know a whole bunch of music was banned here in SA?
That's sofa King Crazy as you say always!!
Gimme a few examples, any bands that I’m familiar with that got banned in SA?
I didn’t even notice the capital ‘Ed’ until you sent this, I guess my phone is just so used to talking to you, it knew ed needed an E.
Thanks for stopping by @edprivat. I’m sofa king glad you did. 👍🏿
@dandays You are an incredible person!
You've grown up your time.
The whole world is wrong, but you are above all this.
Perhaps if you are dealing with writing or politics, the world will be a better place to live.
PS I also like Hot Wheels, Michael Jackson, Tom and Jerry, and many others, both from our childhood and now.
First things first, I need you give you this fancy pink text today—it’s settled:

I really appreciate your encouraging words. I was just telling someone else how it’s not so difficult pushing the post button if I’m reciting a story, recapping some travel, stuff like that. But when I’m being opinionated like this one, I’m a nervous mess before I click post—thanks for supporting what I’m doing around here, I’m really grateful. It’s complimwnts like this that lead me to believe in doing something right—thank you!
From the sounds of it, we have many similar childhood memories—how cool is that?! Tom n Jerry rock!
Thanks for stopping by @eii.