Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Nonlinear Sciences 2|2019-07-10
Pattern Formation And Solitons
On the Soliton Model of a Point Particle Spin (1906.07453v2)
R. K. Salimov, E. G. Ekomasov
A system consisting of a point material particle and a scalar field described by the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation has been considered. It has been shown that, when taking into account relativistic effects, in the case of small rest masses of a particle an energy minimum at zero velocity is impossible for such a particle. It has been proved that under certain parameters the spin state of a particle has a lower energy than its steady state does. Such a behavior is interesting for the construction of soliton models of spin. By a point particle spin an intrinsic angular momentum (orbital, in strict sense, but with a short orbital radius) of a point particle is meant.
Effect of discrete breathers on the specific heat of a nonlinear chain (1907.03280v1)
Mohit Singh, Alina Y. Morkina, Elena A. Korznikova, Vladimir I. Dubinko, Dmitry A. Terentiev, Daxing Xiong, Oleg B. Naimark, Vakhid A. Gani, Sergey V. Dmitriev
In the present study, employing a one-dimensional nonlinear lattice with an on-site potential, we analyze the effect of discrete breathers (DBs) on its specific heat. In the most transparent way, this can be done by monitoring the chain temperature in a non-equilibrium process, at the emergence of modulational instability, with total energy of the chain being conserved. For the on-site potential of hard-type (soft-type) anharmonicity, the instability of
mode (
mode) results in the appearance of long-living DBs that gradually dissipate their energy and eventually the system approaches thermal equilibrium with spatially uniform and temporally constant temperature. The variation of specific heat at constant volume is evaluated during this relaxation process. It is concluded that DBs affect specific heat of the nonlinear chain and for the case of hard-type (soft-type) anharmonicity they reduce (increase) the specific heat.
Car following behavioral stochasticity analysis and modelling (1907.03210v1)
Junfang Tian, Chenqiang Zhu, Danjue Chen, Rui Jiang, Ziyou Gao
This paper analyzes the car following behavioral stochasticity based on the experimental trajectory data by measuring the wave travel time Tn(t) of vehicle n. The analysis shows that the Tn(t) does not follow a consistent pattern. In particular, we found that (i) No matter the speed of leading vehicle oscillates significantly or slightly, Tn(t) might change significantly; (ii) Even if the leader is asked to move with the same speed, the oscillation pattern of Tn(t) might be different from run to run; (iii) Sometimes, even if the speed of leader severely fluctuates, Tn(t) can keep a nearly constant value. Further investigations show that the time series of the increment {\xi}n(t) = Tn(t) - Tn(t-dt) follows a mean reversion process, based on which a simple stochastic Newell model is proposed to reproduce the realistic wave travel time. Simulation results show that not only the concave growth pattern of oscillations but also the empirical congested traffic states can be successfully simulated by the new model, including the stable congested traffic states that cannot be simulated by recent stochastic car following models.
Polar waves and chaotic flows in thin rotating spherical shells (1806.10679v2)
F. Garcia, F. R. N. Chambers, A. L. Watts
Convection in rotating spherical geometries is an important physical process in planetary and stellar systems. Using continuation methods at low Prandtl number, we find both strong equatorially asymmetric and symmetric polar nonlinear rotating waves in a model of thermal convection in thin rotating spherical shells with stress-free boundary conditions. For the symmetric waves convection is confined to high latitude in both hemispheres but is only restricted to one hemisphere close to the pole in the case of asymmetric waves. This is in contrast to what is previously known from studies in the field. These periodic flows, in which the pattern is rotating steadily in the azimuthal direction, develop a strong axisymmetric component very close to onset. Using stability analysis of periodic orbits the regions of stability are determined and the topology of the stable/unstable oscillatory flows bifurcated from the branches of rotating waves is described. By means of direct numerical simulations of these oscillatory chaotic flows, we show that these three-dimensional convective polar flows exhibit characteristics, such as force balance or mean physical properties, which are similar to flows occuring in planetary atmospheres. We show that these results may open a route to understanding unexplained features of gas giant atmospheres, in particular for the case of Jupiter. These include the observed equatorial asymmetry with a pronounced decrease at the equator (the so-called dimple), and the coherent vortices surrounding the poles recently observed by the Juno mission.
Spatiotemporal Stabilization of Locally PT-symmetric Semiconductor Lasers (1906.09146v2)
Medina Pardell Judith, Herrero Ramon, Botey Muriel, Staliunas Kestutis
We provide a feasible and compact scheme to control and stabilize the spatiotemporal dynamics of BAS lasers. The proposal is based on the ability of non-Hermitian potentials with given local symmetries to manage the flow of light. A local PT-symmetric configuration allows to control, enhance and localize the generated light. We impose a pump modulation, with a central symmetry axis which induces in-phase gain and refractive index modulations due to the Henry factor. Both modulations are, in turn, spatially dephased by an appropriate index profile to yield to a local PT-symmetry within the modified BAS laser. Such local PT-symmetry potential induces an inward mode coupling, accumulating the light generated from the entire active layer at the central symmetry axis, which ensures spatial regularization and temporal stability. By an exhaustive exploration of the modulation parameters, we show a significant improvement of the intensity concentration, stability and brightness of the emitted beam. This approach produces a two-fold benefit: light localization into a narrow beam emission and the control over the spatiotemporal dynamics, improving the laser performance.
Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems
Dispersionless Hirota equations and the genus 3 hyperelliptic divisor (1804.07724v2)
Fabien Cléry, Evgeny V. Ferapontov
Equations of dispersionless Hirota type have been thoroughly investigated in the mathematical physics and differential geometry literature. It is known that the parameter space of integrable Hirota type equations in 3D is 21-dimensional and the action of the natural equivalence group Sp(6, R) on the parameter space has an open orbit. However the structure of the `master-equation' corresponding to this orbit remained elusive. Here we prove that the master-equation is specified by the vanishing of any genus 3 theta constant with even characteristic. The rich geometry of integrable Hirota type equations sheds new light on local differential geometry of the genus 3 hyperelliptic divisor, in particular, the integrability conditions can be viewed as local differential-geometric constraints that characterise the hyperelliptic divisor uniquely modulo Sp(6, C)-equivalence.
A new class of integrable Lotka-Volterra systems (1903.02836v2)
H. Christodoulidi, A. N. W. Hone, T. E. Kouloukas
A parameter-dependent class of Hamiltonian (generalized) Lotka-Volterra systems is considered. We prove that this class contains Liouville integrable as well as superintegrable cases according to particular choices of the parameters. We determine sufficient conditions which result in integrable behavior, while we numerically explore the complementary cases, where these analytically derived conditions are not satisfied.
Generalised reversible transformations and the inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrödinger equation hierarchy (1907.03554v1)
Sudipta Nandy, Abhijit Barthakur
Under investigation is the nonlinear Schr"odinger equation hierarchies and the reversible transformations. We propose a generalized reversible transformation between the the generalized NLSE hierarchy with focussing and defocussing nonlinearity and the NLSE hierarchy forced with a linear potential term. The corresponding extended concept of classical dark and bright solitons of the forced hierarchy, accelerating due to linear potential as well as due to the dispersion are obtained directly without resolving the nonisospectral inverse scattering problem. We have identified a set of new constraints among the dispersion and the nonlinear coefficients in the inhomogeneous NLSE hierarchy, which are preserved after the transformations. The reversible transformations allow us to encompass inhomogeneous NLS, HNLS and higher order equations belonging to the class of nonisospectral family of inverse scattering problems to the isospectral NLS class of equations and study them under a general mathematical framework. We hope that our analysis provides a mathematical platform to study inhomogeneous NLSEs as well as open up the possibility of new applications in physics.
Extended Z-invariance for integrable vector and face models and multi-component integrable quad equations (1812.10893v3)
Andrew P. Kels
In a previous paper, the author has established an extension of the Z-invariance property for integrable edge-interaction models of statistical mechanics, that satisfy the star-triangle relation (STR) form of the Yang-Baxter equation (YBE). In the present paper, an analogous extended Z-invariance property is shown to also hold for integrable vector models and interaction-round-a-face (IRF) models of statistical mechanics respectively. As for the previous case of the STR, the Z-invariance property is shown through the use of local cubic-type deformations of a 2-dimensional surface associated to the models, which allow an extension of the models onto a subset of next nearest neighbour vertices of
, while leaving the partition functions invariant. These deformations are permitted as a consequence of the respective YBE's satisfied by the models. The quasi-classical limit is also considered, and it is shown that an analogous Z-invariance property holds for the variational formulation of classical discrete Laplace equations which arise in this limit. From this limit, new integrable 3D-consistent multi-component quad equations are proposed, which are constructed from a degeneration of the equations of motion for IRF Boltzmann weights.
Integrable reductions of the dressing chain (1903.02876v2)
Charalampos Evripidou, Pavlos Kassotakis, Pol Vanhaecke
In this paper we construct a family of integrable reductions of the dressing chain, described in its Lotka-Volterra form. For each
we obtain a Lotka-Volterra system
which is a deformation of the Lotka-Volterra system
, which is itself an integrable reduction of the
-dimensional Bogoyavlenskij-Itoh system
, where
. We prove that
is both Liouville and non-commutative integrable, with rational first integrals which are deformations of the rational first integrals of
. We also construct a family of discretizations of
, including its Kahan discretization, and we show that these discretizations are also Liouville and superintegrable.

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