Just complaining.

in #complaining7 years ago

I own an American Stafforshire Terrier, aka, Pitbull. I have been having many problems with my boyfriend over her because he fears her and is afraid of all of the statistics out there claiming that Pits are the main causes of all bites. Like the breed itself is what causes the dog to bite somehow, I am not sure. We have gotten into many fights over it and I have even thought about leaving him because of it. My dog has gotten me through a lot of very hard times, she is now actually my Emotional Support Animal because I have been diagnosed with depression and severe anxiety. I was on medication for a while to cope with some problems in my life that caused me to not want to even get out of bed. I could have cared less if the world burned around me and most days I wished it would.

My depression only deepened because of my own thoughts which took me down the rabbit hole on a daily basis. I was single at the time and wonder sometimes if I still should be, my parents recently went through a nasty divorce that even though they tried not to drag me into, they did. The weight of going to school full time and being in debt with credit cards and a lack of close friends. I still don't really have anyone that I would call my "best friend" and I am now 26, no children, living with my mother, working more than full time just to pay bills, with a boyfriend who really couldn't care less about what I do I feel like. Most of the time he won't talk to me much unless its about something HE wants to talk about. He never invites me over, tells me what hes doing, asks how my day went, nothing really. All he ever really says is about how he thinks I need to lose weight so he can be happy with me and how the economy is going to collapse.

I am obviously a glutton for punishment, I know. We were discussing children and how he doesn't want any "pitbull or bulldog" around children until 3 or 4 then continued to site various websites with varying statistics about how pitbulls are the lead causes of death from dogs. I cited how the pitbull ranked the highest on the temperament testing through various studies. How he is falling into the media hype of the breed only because he was attacked by a dog when he was a kid, not even a pit according to his sister. My dog means a lot to me obviously otherwise I wouldn't be so upset. He would love it if I just put her down and never had another dog. I can already feel the resentment and anxiety building within me and I am not sure how to deal with it. There are not a lot of sites praising pitbulls anymore because the media has completely demonized them where they are the most put down breed out there. My other problem with these "statistics" is that they never prove in any way that the dog actually was a pit bull since it seems like many people cannot tell what the different breeds are that have the big body, big head and are muscular, they are all label as "Pit bulls".

I have read much into the history of the dog, such as how an American Pit Bull Terrier contributed a lot to World War II for the America side, how they were bred to be "Nanny Dogs", and how even many of the dogs in the early TV show days were American Pit Bulls. I will always advocate for the breed since they are so misunderstood thanks to these "thug gangsters" who use them to fight and attack when that is really not in a pits nature! It doesn't seem I can convince him otherwise and instead of continuing to get pissed off, I am leaving the argument for the day.


Anyways, thanks for reading my rant for the day.


I wish you a positive mood

We have a pitbul sort of she was abused alot and they tried to make here a fighting dog as a matter of face we have two dogs we rescued from abusive owners because these dogs were so mean and destructive, now the one we got since I was a baby which is old and fragile now never attacked or bit me he is a border cali and the other hasn't attacked yet either she was rescued from low life animal abusers and she is so happy and wiggles out of control every-time shes played with and she runs and plays and is happy this entire pit-bulls are evil thing is horse shit these dogs are members of our family extra people that aren't humans but are still pretty damn accepting and loving and fun to play with and on and on .

Do good be good @jlm0359 .. my best wishes are with you.. upvoted ... follow @retroo