Photography Competition ... Let me know what you think
I am truly overwhelmed by your numerous responses to my competition. As of now, the competition is closed and the participants are in (or out if you have not made the required amendments).
I am close to making a decision, but I would like to give you guys another chance to get rewarded for all the hard work you've done for creating your posts.
I would like to know from you which of these are your favourites? I give another 5 SBD to a random voter (voting only, please don't make any other comments and only vote for 1 person) and the person with the most votes receives 5 SBD (additional to my winning prize if this person was one of my winners as well. So in total I will give another 10 SBD away.
1st could win 20 + 5 SBD or
2nd could win 10 + 5 SBD or
3rd could win 5 + 5 SBD or
a random person with the most votes wins 5 SBD
This is now in your hands. You have 24 hours to vote from the moment this post goes live. I will announce the winner in my winners post tomorrow, 24 hours from now!
Here is the shortlist, by clicking on the persons name you can see their picture and reason why they chose this picture. Please help each other grow by giving each person an upvote:
From left to right @justdentist, @deeviras, @roadstories, @zangmore, @robart, @riezalzulfa, @mcface, @n8ggo & @obvious
From left to right @rodgamag, @levinvillas, @tarmotammik, @zach-charczynski, @sohailahmad2525 & @memebibiboboo
From left to right @rwedegis, @auminda, @lindiry, @koenigsnadja & @doctorcro
The choice was not easy, some of you have submitted very emotional stories, moving stories, great memories and I feel privileged that you have shared these with me. Thank you very much!
I've done my best to give feedback to each picture, so you'll see that below them as well. For those of you who I didn't choose, please accept my apologies, you have not made it easy for me, this was a very tough decision. In my initial selection I had 64 entries out of 111 valid entries.
The winners post will go up in approximately 25 hours from now and they'll have their funds in their accounts at approximately the same time.
ich stimme für @riezalzzulfa
thank you for giving me support, the picture is my favorite place and my family the river is located in my village, right in Aceh indonesia and for @wolfje thank you for taking my picture as this competition category, I hope you like that picture and visit my country, indonesia
This scene is on when the tip of the week, many visitors who come, interesting is not it?
Beautiful Bud! I hope maybe one day to visit Indonesia, as a Dutch person I have grown up with a lot of people and influence from the country. Maybe when the kids are bigger. I'll let you know when I do
of course I will wait for your arrival🙏🙏👍👍
ich stimme für @riezalzzulfa
Ich stimme für @deeviras :)
@koenigsnadja Thankyou xx
I vote for @levinvillas ☺
Thank you so much for votes! Its my first photography competition, so its really important for me and I appreciate that!
Congratulation to all of you guys!
Such a great contest we got here, thanks to @wolfje who put a lot of effort to help us and this community growing. I vote for @auminda
Thank you so much for your vote I really do appreciate that. It means a lot to me, since my kids mean the world to me.
Your welcome, you deserve it. I am happy for you and your kids
I vote for @levinvillas
I'll definitely vote for @zach-charczynski
His picture really touches my heart. I am imagining walking alone along the street forever to get to the top of big mountain which I will never reach.
I vote for @roadstories !! :D
I vote for @riezalzulfa