Did you know that there are two ways for people to perceive happenings, events or situations. Like there is a gloomy everything is all bad interpretation or it will be okay and calm positive interpretation.
How do you react? Are you tense, stress, upset when something happens or do you go with the flow calmly managing what happens?
Having a positive perception is far better for one's health. People who can laugh and see the bright side of life are less likely to develop stress and blood pressure compared to people who tend to be uptight and tense/stressed at unpredictable events.
It is best to look on the bright side of life............
The best behaviour anyone can do is be positive and happy as possible when events happen that are out of our control. The COVID-19 pandemic is one such event that we all need to perceive in as calm a manner as possible following the rules to stay safe and well. But, what I love about people who are upbeat and positive during lockdowns is the their way of putting sunshine into people's lives.
The pianist accompanied by a fellow musician play the saxophone entertained the neighbours so well when playing 'My heart will go on' ........
Happy time everyone during your self-isolation and lock down time. We can't control what happens but we can control our we react and deal with it all. Let's all stay calm and not panic.
Cheers and blessings