What's Wrong With You, Steemit.com? An Open Letter To My Internet LovesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #community7 years ago (edited)
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. - George Bernard Shaw

Nicely said, George.

Communication is key in any good working relationship - both in business and on the private terrain.

So let's talk, steemit!

This picture was provided by pixabay.com

What's wrong with you, steemit.com?

You know I'm one of your biggest supporters.

If you heard me talking about you on the streets, you'd be very flattered. I'm not short in praise when it comes to promote you.

I spend more time with you than with my family.

Everybody in this community knows that I love being enthusiastic and passionate about this place, but lately it's getting quite tough to stay patient and positive.

It's almost impossible to write anything on this blockchain using the steemit interface.

Comments don't get through, you post them again, then the older ones appear and you have to delete the previous one, then both disappear again. It's a serious mess!

And PLEASE don't tell me to go to busy.org, because that doesn't solve the problem. I don't want to go somewhere else.

Also: do you really want me to leave?

Are the readers of The Observer, Wired and other famous tech magazines that covered steemit lately also redirected to busy.org?

Look, now you see what I mean. These downtimes really hurt.

  1. Wired (4th of Oct 2017): The social network doling out millions in ephemeral money
  2. The Observer (3rd of Oct 2017): Another Cryptocurrency Venture Aims to Fix Media’s Monetization Problem

These articles link to steemit.com and not to busy.org.

In the end that might lead to a serious reputation problem. And we're all sitting in the same boat, you know.

Now you can tell me that the blockchain is working perfectly, but c'mon: regular people don't seperate between Steem and Steemit like we - the heavy users - do. They don't even know the difference.

If you wanna impress new potential investors, then having a laggy website is surely not the best selling argument.

So enough complaining, honey! How can we help you to recover? I'm getting dizzy watching this 'loading' circle on my screen. Really.

You want me to be passionate about you? Then don't ignore me.

You can't ask me to give 120%, to be fully committed, to spend day and night with you only when things are alright. I'm all in - in good and bad times.

So if you want this community to advocate you, then involve us!

Big hugs and get well soon,

Marly -

PS: By the way this is my 4th (!) attempt to publish this article... I would have tried it a million times, some things have to be said :-)

Thanks for your valuable time!
This blog was launched at the end of July 2016
aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
stepping out of comfort zones, going on adventure,
doing extreme sports and embracing the new.
Welcome to the too-much-energy-blog!

PS: Don't forget that this is a troll-free zone.

Original content. Quote found on slideshare.net.


This post is voice of every steemian. It should be fixed now. Thank you @surfermarly

Thank YOU for stopping by :-)

I consider the Steemit dev team, the investors, the contributors, the witnesses and the end-users ALL Steemians, who hope that this platform will soon become mainstream, with a super responsive interface, with a blockchain based currency that is worth much more than it is now and simply a wonderful experience for everyone participating.

I'm not sure that with this definition every Steemian agrees about the message of this post. But I am sure we all understand @surfermarly's take on this and we sure do symphatize with the points she makes.

I don't think that we neccesarily need to have always the very same perspective / point of view. It's actually the difference of opinions that makes a community dynamic. I think in the end we want the very same (this place succeeding), even though we might have different ideas about the way to get there.

I may or may not have upvoted this. I clicked the upvote arrow. I will attempt to comment.

I just wanted to say, you took the words right out of my mouth. I couldn't agree more. I love SteemIt not busy.com both from an investment pov and an end-user. crossing my fingers and pushing post, hoping for the best.

Don't worry about the upvote. I appreciate your support anyways!
I hope my reply finds you well :-)
Regarding the article I didn't want it to be very negative, but I really think it's time to talk seriously.
Crossing my fingers, too!

Same here. Just tried to upvote your comment-no love. I left a reply as well. Thanks for this post! ✌🏾

I'm pretty sure the latest issues are related to the new jussi proxy STEEMIT implemented, which seems to work now via HTTP POST requests versus a websocket connection. Site performance has been abysmal since they launched it. :(

"Dear steemit community! We're currently installing a new jussi proxy. That may lead to downtimes. We apologize for the inconvenciences this may cause. We will keep you posted."
Something like that? Took me 30 seconds :-)

except this was supposed to be the "big fix" for the site, not sure they want to "advertise" that it may not be quite the solution they've be "hoping" for ...

They just lack any professionalism. Look at the person handling their twitter. They get butthurt and troll anybody who tries to complain. Can you imagine in Facebook's troubleshooting was like that?

The site is dying, friends. The interest in it by the makers waned long ago and its life is being miserably extended by the hard work of witnesses, like pain medication for a terminal cancer patient.

Hmmm I don't think that the site is dying. Technical issues can be faced at any time. I think it could be handled in a different way. A solid communication in times of trouble is worth a lot. It rebuilds trust very quickly.

I feel you. It is really starting to get super annoying. I am currently on steemitstage, but also doesn't work reliable (though more reliable than steemit.com).

You can really feel this issue growing in the community - less people are active since these issues make the UX horrible.

I just pray for it to be over soon. In the meantime, let's just suffer together.

Haha, yeah let's suffer together - nicely said Shannon! :-)
The issue is only growing due to the lack of communication.

Auch mein Upvotekreisel dreht und dreht --- oh, jetzt hat es geklappt! 😀
Treffender hättest Du es nicht sagen können! Ich hoffen nur, dass Deine Worte nicht auf taube Ohren stossen. Die Freude an der Plattform tendiert wirklich manchmal gegen Null, wenn mal wieder gar nichts geht.
Danke für diesen wertvollen Artikel und dass Du nicht aufgegeben hast, als es mal wieder nicht hochladen wollte.

Vielen Dank für Dein positives Feedback! Es ist schön zu sehen, dass der Artikel genau das zu transportieren scheint, was ich ausdrücken wollte - kein Groll, sondern eher den Wunsch nach mehr Transparenz.
Ich geb garantiert nicht auf. Die müssen schon das Internet abschalten, dass ich aufhöre zu posten :-D Haha
Schönen Abend Dir! Und guck nicht zu lange in den Kreisel, sonst wird Dir noch schlecht.

I have just had almost exactly the same conversation with somebody who just accused me of being negative. It's not about negativity it's about reality.

As you implied, the worst advert for Steemit, is to have all the extra users driven to us by positive press, to be scared away by a laggy website.

Busy.org is not a solution, I am on it now, and I don't see my feed or my conversations. Steemit is what needs sorting out, it has been weeks now.

It is beginning to feel like we have been abandoned, if they can't be bothered anymore, they should hand it to people who can be.

Perhaps it is because they have no true competition, maybe if and when that happens, ideas will be bucked up.


I don't think that asking for transparency is negative at all.
People who believe that this is a negative behaviour don't have any idea about business. There is no progress without controversial discussions, different points of view and points of friction.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us!

Yeah... I fully agree with your post!

Thank you @lemouth! I appreciate your support :-)

This is very good text :) I was think same.. but you did this text more even better.
Yes, I would also like this platform to communicate with us here more, if here something happens, or something is not ok, I always have to find some specific posts up here in steemit to get some information what's going on, and that's annoying.
Why you STEEMIT do not have one link here on the front of each page, which I can immediately see information about what's going on, and new updates.
I like steemit, and very .... It's been open lot of doors for me a whole summer, and I do not want to see this place go cold.
I just say... I am not mad.

And recently here was a hacker attack, a few days ago.
Would anyone be able to properly tell me ...what was the mission of this attack?
For me, this attack looked absolutely absurd.

I'm sorry, my English language is weak.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts, @foxkoit! I'm glad we agree on this point of view :-)

And recently here was a hacker attack, a few days ago.
Would anyone be able to properly tell me ...what was the mission of this attack?

Usually these DDos attacks are run to weaken a platform.
But it's not officially confirmed that these attacks are still the reason for the website's downtimes.

And that is basically the problem: we have no idea.

I see this too they want make week this steemit... when they use DDos attacks. But why?
To me this is not logical. Who benefits from it, and how? This is what I want know.

I think it does make sense. After a couple of weeks thinking, I made a post about it.

ok :) ... I go look what you post .

I have a theory about why steemit.com is so very slow. Would you like to hear it?

I'm not 100% sure it's completely accurate, but the current performance behavior does make sense to me now. And it's not all bad news..

Haha, so you're keeping the biggest secret on steemit? Enlighten us :-)
I'm pretty sure they're working day and night to fix some bugs. It would be awesome to be part of it.

Cool! I will have a look at it :-)

Much appreciated, would love to learn what you think about it :)