So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbyeeeeee
I wasn't planning to write another post here. With less time, all that's going on in the real World, I was saving myself for the next chapter we are all waiting for. But seeing so well known names, the authors of the posts I've got used to read in these almost 1 + 1/2 years here, writing their farewell... well, It got me itching to write too!
It's going to be a short post, thow. Because although it's a farewell to steem, I hope it's going to be a "see you soon" to the community I've grew fond of. Apart from playing Splinterlands, I don't see myself staying on a blockchain with this kind of ruling, that even introduced censorship as the cherry on top of the (rotten) cake. I'll take my photography, my wildlife post, and hopefully in the near future, my monster battles to greener fields.

What does the future bring? What will we find when the mist dissolves? Well... we'll find out soon enough! It was a pleasure to spend this time here with you; see you on the HIVE!
See you on Hive my friend :) Mixed emotions for me right now but yeah, I think Hive will be a great success.
Same here. Well,i think the feeling is general. Tobthe Hive it is! Stay safe!