Why Do You Post?

in #comments6 years ago

I am beginning to get the impression that a lot of folks either don’t expect to receive any comments or feedback to their posts. Or perhaps they just don’t want feedback. I am really not sure. I am hoping it’s something like that rather than thinking that it’s just my comments that are ignored.
More often than not when I make what I think is a relevant comment to someone’s post it is entirely ignored. Even when it’s the only comment there.

Is it that the only reason that many posts are created and shared is to earn steem power or steem money?
I guess that’s fine. But that’s not why I am here. I post stuff because I want to share and because I value the opinions and thoughts of others. That’s why I joined in the first place.

I can’t tell others what to do but I will say that personally, I would rather be disparaged or berated rather than be ignored.
So I have decided that I will simply stop following anyone who doesn’t care enough to acknowledge a pertinent comment that I have made below one of their posts.

No offense, but if I want to be ignored all the time I will just express my concerns about the current state of affairs to politicians.

This is supposed to be a community. Ignoring people who are trying to have a constructive dialogue isn’t a particularly productive way to build one.


I resonate with what you said a lot and have tried my best to respond to everyone for many years, however in recent times I've got to the point where I can't humanly keep up with all the messages so some slip through and I'm not able to respond to everyone and it's not because I don't care or anything malicious, I just don't have the time.

So sometimes people may not respond because they just don't have the time, but in general I agree with you and I think it's important to try to communicate with others, that's what social media is for right? We should try to both put out information and talk to people and not just one or the other in my opinion, so I think it's great when there's a back and forth and it's not just one sided. Plus being ignored does suck! I've heard a quote saying it's worse than being hated cause at least when you're hated people treat you like you exist.

Also one reason steem is so slow lately I think is cause the value of crypto has gone down, it used to be much more active on here! Lately it seems like most pages are ghost towns, mine included.

Thanks for that thoughtful response. I do understand how busy people are and do my best to moderate my expectations. Sometimes though I will admit to getting my feelings hurt. Silly I know. Imagine getting pushed out of shape because someone I have never met nor am likely to ignores me when I share the name of a plant that they couldn’t identify on the internet. But I guess I’m just a sensitive old curmudgeon.
I used to be really active on a sailing message board years ago. I would share stuff and answer questions about rigging. Sailors always have questions about rigging.
Anyway, they had an off topic forum which sometimes got pretty lively but in general worked pretty well.
Over time enough people complained about being forced to read stuff that they found upsetting that the moderators instituted various ways of protecting people’s sensitivities.
Eventually they decided that you had to go through a special log in procedure to post there and it became invisible to everyone not logged in.
I and some other people quit. Some started their own short lived sites. I just didn’t interact with people anymore. I felt like the whole idea of “community” that was promoted so strongly was a hypocritical come on that sucked people in. I felt like they only wanted the rigger part of me and wanted me to keep any and all eccentric ideas to myself. I felt insulted.
Since then I have been careful not to open myself up like that again. It’s been a life long fault of mine.
That and talking too much. Sorry.

Lol. No worries. I talk a lot too, tying to do it less cause it eats up so much of my time, but I really enjoy talking to peoples and sharing information.
That sounds like an interesting forum you spent time on.
I spent time on a 9/11 research site that was really interesting and then used Facebook and YouTube till I found steem. This is a pretty neat place, though it's been a bit rough and slow around here since the value dropped a lot.