The Enceladus Anomaly - More panels from page 1 - Book one.

in #comics5 years ago (edited)

TEA book 1 page 1 panel6.jpg

"The Enceladus Anomaly" is a comic-book about Space Horror. This project is divided into three volumes that will be published through crowd-funding. In this post I'm presenting the rest of panels from the first page of this book.

For this project I'm combining the traditional method of pencil, paper and ink with computer colored. Although my drawing style is realistic, in this work I have preferred to give it a closer finish to the animation, with flat-colored figures ("cell-shading") over a more realistic background.

I must recognize that this decision is giving me great results but at the cost of a great amount of time and energy.

I hope you like them :)

Captura de pantalla 2019-10-29 a la(s) 11.02.30.png

panel 6 page 1 layout.jpg

TEA book 1 page 1 panel4.jpg

Captura de pantalla 2019-10-29 a la(s) 11.01.16.png

Captura de pantalla 2019-10-29 a la(s) 11.01.31.png

panel 4 page 1 layout.jpg

Captura de pantalla 2019-11-04 a la(s) 13.10.48.png

Captura de pantalla 2019-10-29 a la(s) 11.02.21.png

panel 5 page 1 layout.jpg

Barra 4.jpg

TEA book 1 page 1.jpg

Barra 3.jpg


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