Phill from GCHQ - page 32 - Sleeping with the fish

Sleeping with the fish Page 32 of the cartoon about Phill from GCHQ in which the violence escalate (because that is what violence does best).
The page is made with Krita my favourite Linux drawing application, and is licenced CC-BY

Please consider to support the comic with fiat-money on:
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Bitcoins: 1EpzfvHpvYui8dguG2sbxk7VvcehxZGNca
Steem: here on Steemit :)

Great layout. Very intense page. Love it!
Thanks :)
That's a grisly twist on 'speach bubbles'. Very nicely drawn. I can't tell you how many times I've said 'it is that naked woman again'... ;)
Yes, it is a bit evil, but the whole page is somehow.
As for naked women, me too :)
Good post
Deserve an upvote
This shows violence. Most of us deplore violence. But, it needs to be made know to everyone, so you have done that with this post
Yes, the story also takes you by its own logic.
Peace to you too.
Thank you for enlightening us and helping to build Steemit.
Wow, that's looking awesome
Thanks :)
It's nice to see that the payouts for your pages are increasing, it seems.
It would be nice, but I am never really sure what makes it and what don't. A rather considerable part of it is coincidence... but... I hope it will keep up. There's a lot of work in a page like this.
wow, nice post. u have done your part it now depends on us the reader to stimulate it.
Thanks - and yes, it is :)
I love your job, follow me and we help each other
great post
upvoted followed
Thanks, I post a new page in the story each Thursday (if I don't get ill). You can see the whole story here:
Thank you brother.
I am really bored this night