New COMICS & TOYS this week at Comic Shops!!! 9/25/19

in #comics6 years ago


Welcome to New Book Wednesday!!! Ready to take a gander at all of the exciting nerdy nonsense making its way to comic shop racks this week??? I’m talking about kick ass Comics and Toys!!! I’m your host @blewitt, and I thank you for joining me on this virtual window shopping experience!!!

Each and every week on our Conquest Comics Instagram page, we post pics of the new comic books, toys, and miscellaneous merchandise that just arrived. Brand spankin new product for you to salivate over!!! Figured there are enough folks here who collect that it would be a useful service that would help with keeping up to date with new product. Feel free to check out our other pics on our Instagram account. Please give the shop a follow on Instagram as well if ya like what ya see!!!

First things first...To find your local comic book shop check the link below. Throw some support their way instead of shopping Amazon. Support your local stores and shops some support over the big box online retailers!!!

Let’s do this shit!

Marvel...the fucks that they are have shit out a bunch of nonsense this week. Avengers Loki? Ugh... Last issue of Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur? Finally. New

Gimme that Absolute Carnage crossover shit that has been selling like hot cakes. Just 2 parts for that this week in Amazing Spidey & that Miles mini series. Powers of X has a new issue. Captain America with a really nice Alex Ross Cover also hits.


In DC’s corner, the oversized Harleen comes out from their Black Label line. Should do very well. A pretty Frison Wonder Woman Cover hits shelves. Flash, Red Hood & the Outlaws, Justice League Dark, and Batgirl are also releasing. Oh...and Naomi is guest staring in Action Conics. Might be worth picking up as she interacts with the mainstays.


Indy books made me want to punch a baby this week. Too many fucking titles. I couldn’t fit everything onto my new release shelves so some shit sadly...isn’t making the display rack. Rick & Morty, Invader Zim, Aliens, Red Sonja/Betty & Veronica...I can go on and on. But I won’t. Just look below.


I will however mention the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as artist Michael Dialynas worked on it and hewill be at our shop this Sunday for our awesome event. If you are in the area, please try and swing by. I think the awesome @bryan-imhoff is going to try to make it. Hopefully some of you other lazy but local slackers will try and meet up for a change. You can read about the event here!

Check em all out here:


Now that THAT’S done, let’s move onto the fun shit! Toys! Toys! And more toys!!!!! This week sees a couple of kick ass that friggin John Wick figure?!? C’ awesome is that?!? Predator?!? Samurai Wolverine?!? Man, my nerd boner is raging right now!!!

Oh, then there are some Heroclix! I hope this set is good. We used to have close to 20 players on the regular for our weekly tournaments and we are down to around 5 max now. Not sure if that is just our shitty luck with lazy deadbeats or if the game itself has been lacking. I believe @themarkymark tried playing the TMNT set once. Any opinions bud?

Reaction Peanuts figures are a breath of fresh air and should do well with fans of that property. Then there’s that sweet statue...look at the laser beams coming out of her eyes! Perfect!!! Let’s delve in...shall we?!?















See ya in 7!



The John Wick Select needs an accessory box set. 60 dead guy box set. When Kill Bill came out I wanted a crazy 88 box set with all 88 figures. I imagined it as an accent wall.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ha! Amazing crazy stuff as always sir blewitt, well done!

Hey man, you read Abrams take on Spider-Man? I just finished reviewing it. If you haven't and you're a spider nerd, you got to check it out.

Absolute Carnage has been stealing the limelight, but there are a lot of other books that are well worth one's attention. Namely Lois Lane and Spawn. Damn, the #300 was great. Zdarsky on Daredevil is also hitting homers. Although the art is a bit up and down.

Take care!


This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie

Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!! Keep up with the dorky content for more love!!!

I haven't strolled round steemit for a while.
As someone stuck at home, I seldom have the opportunity to tour any shop. Particularly one of this calibre. I thoroughly enjoyed this post.
I take my kid on occasion to a "treasure shop", opp shop or as you may refer to in your land as thrift. I have 2 kids and one big kid, one into comics and collectables the other a tmnt and current obsession lion guard. They LOVE your stuff.
Thanks for the tour.
Big kid (dad) still has his original snoopy, he is impressed with the peanuts collection.
You have something for everyone.
I am inAustralia... so will have to be content with the virtual tour. Am always on the look out for something to gift my difficult to impress family. Do you ship to oz?