SMBC: An Honest Discussion
I saw this Sunday Morning Breakfast Cereal comic today, and it reminded me of an older post We Disagree. Are You Ignorant, Immoral, or Stupid?

SMBC comics are usually hilarious (almost as good as existential comics). Check them out at
Don't forget to click the red button or you'll miss gems like this:

There's also the mouse over text which usually has another funny like this:

Declining payout because making a bunch of money sharing a comic I didn't write would be kind of a bummer for those creating great original content here and not yet getting noticed.
I also wanted to say thank you. We have over 220 comments on our discussion about self-voting which started yesterday. That's amazing.
I hope you've had a great week and are looking forward to a great weekend. If you haven't voted up a witness in a while, please consider voting for @lukestokes.mhth. I noticed there are few spots above me with outdated price feeds.
Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, and voluntaryist who wants to help create a world we all want to live in. Visit

Great funny post! 😁
Hey, Luke,
Thank you very much for bringing this comic series to my attention.
The one you've posted is very insightful, and my quick sampling of a couple of "Random" options has convinced me that I now (thanks to you) have a new "goto" place for a smile when needed... ;)

They are consistently one of the funniest comics out there, I think.
Well, that and Existential Comics. :)
I'll have to look them up also... Thanks! ;)
For some reason, I read the old post as: We Disagree. Are You Ignorant, Immortal, or Stupid? and thought, I am immortal
Haha... thanks! I'll be sure to check them out. Took me a couple of rereads before I understood though. :)
And noble thought that ... to decline payment because it is somebody else's work... but by spreading the good stuff around, you know, you are still doing a service. :) Nice coming across you. Cheers! - @sandzat