Spider On The Hose (COM #29 Entry)
Saturday spider photostory anyone?
Today I didn't only play with my camera, I also played with some lyrics...
Enjoy! 🕷🕸
Spider on the hose
Spider on the hose
Upwards this hose she crawls
In holes she sticks her nose
Like a huntress on her own
She's a queen without a throne
Spider on the hose
There's a killer on the hose
All her eyes will never close
Come on and make her day
Sweet insects you will pay
If you wave and say hi
Insect family will die
Killer on the hose
Insect girls protect your man
Insect girls protect your man
Take him by the hand
Make him understand
If you get caught on her hands
Your life will reach the end
Girls protect your man
Spider on the hose
Spider on the hose
Upwards this hose she crawls
In holes she sticks her nose
Like a huntress on her own
She's a queen without a throne
Spider on the hose
Spider on the hose
Spider on the hose
Spider on the hose
Spider on the hose

Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Riders on the storm...
*All images (not free for re-use) and story by @ruth-girl - Steemit, 2018
I hope you enjoyed this little messed up song and the cool pictures (not the best I could get, I know), which serve an entry to the new round of the @comedyopenmic contest - Comedy Open Mic Comedy Contest - Round 29 !!
I shall be nominating @mariossap and @mathowl to join in the pun... ehm, fun! Guys? Are you in?
Thank you so much for your time!
Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people!
Hi ruth-girl,
Thank you for your entry in to #comedyopenmic comedy contest. We have asked the judges below to review your entry and give it a funny rating. (They generally have no sense of humor, as the saying goes, those that can't do, start contests and judge).
This will determine your ultimate position when the results are tallied. (That being said, you are free to adopt any position you wish - we can recommend pantsless with beer in hand.)
If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact one of the judges or come say hi in discord: Click Here
Thank you to @matytan for the great banner
Thanks a lot @com-judge! I'll be waiting for the "verdict" εναγωνίως...
cool spider great zoom in the photos
Spider on the hose
Now I feel so froze
Not 1, not 2, not 3 toes
Spider has 8 of those
I faint as the spider gets close
Now I'm one of the spider's hoes
Nice post, Ruth. Thanks for entering the comedy open mic. Nice photos. Finally someone admits that a picture isn't worth a thousand words and decided to write some ;)
Ahahahahaha! I loved that poem!
Thank you for the thumbs-up! 🤩
If you read "hose" as hoes, the poem is twice juicy
Ahahahahaha! I did! And cried!🤣🤣
I loved it. I am always a sucker for anything music related. It is great to see you over in COM also.
Thanks! I love messing with lyrics ever since I was a kid in primary school.
Too bad you don't know Greek... you'd enjoy my dirty lyrics on popular Greek songs.
Maybe I will have to teach myself greek. I really want to learn another language. I was going to try Spanish since a lot of people speak Spanish anymore.
sexy spider
spider likes hoes too much though
Not sexier than you!
ελα ρε ruthie....γραφει και ο αλλος αντι για Hose να το διαβασουμε hoes.... ε το καναμε ακαταλληλο για ανηλικους το θεμα!!!
...καλουτσικες οι φωτο!!!
Αααα, δε φταιω εγω για τα βρωμιακ μυαλα του steemit, μια πλακα πηγα να κανω...
Δεν μου πολυαρεσαν να σου πω, ηταν μολις ειχα πρωτοπαρει τα close-up φιλτρα, οποτε παλευα να τα μαθω, κουνιοταν κι η αραχνη συνεχως, δεν μπορουσα να σταυρωσω μια καλη ποζα! Ανεβαζω κ αντιγραφο της εικονας σε χαμηλη ποιοτητα, για να μην τρωω πολλη ωρα στο ανεβασμα, οποτε μου κανει πολυ τσαπατσουλοδουλεια, αλλα ηθελα να μοιραστω την ολη συνθεση...
That's a fuck no spider from the species, burn the house down and start over.
Oh, she's a big girl! Thank God we found her in the garden and not in the house... I'd have to move out! :P
Mia mera , kapoia apo tis araxnes montela sou , tha tsimpisei ton @trumpman kai meta tha mas to paizei spiderman...
Ωωωωωχ, τον φανταζομαι να απλωνει ιστους σε ολο το σπιτι προσπαθωντας να πιασει μπυρες απο το ψυγειο... Θα τις κοψω τις αραχνες, θα αρχισω να φωτογραφιζω μονο τοπια μου φαινεται!
To xeirotero tha einai na perpataei sto tabani kai na anoigei tis mpures oso tha einai upsidedown ! xD
Ωχ Παναγια μου!
I knew the tune before I knew it was the tune you chose. Good job!
Oh thank you!