Bamboozld by a pretty face - Comedy Open Mic Round #23

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

I'm not a comedian per say, but since I was asked to give this a go more than once, I figured today is a good as day as any. It's just a story, a true story mind you. But I think it should be entertaining to hear.

After watching the video I've all of the sudden become self conscious of beer drinking that is getting out of control(the belly), but maybe that adds a bit to the story, at least for the time being.

As usual, thank you for watching.

Much love


Youtube Mirror for Posterity


Next time take a selfie with her before she ask...shuss selfie first. Helps you preserve the sweet memories 😝😁

I failed a little bit right there, you are right!

Self-deprecating humor is always the funniest, and the relaxation caused by the beer makes it funnier, cos a comedian that shows nerves is never funny.

The only problem you got going on here is that you are too likeable for it to be as funny as it could be.

A professional comedian would make you hate them a little bit, so you can laugh louder, knowing that the person deserved it.

The way this story plays out, you are like: woman, I hope your weight-loss clinic fails and I hope you get so fat a walrus would say no! :)

hahahhahaha yes! hence why I started with a disclaimer. It's all good, had some fun making a quick video so why not?

Keep making them. Videos are very personal, and a great supplement to text.

The future will be mechanized, sure, but also personal, because human beings are going to crave each other more and more as the machines take over so many aspects of our lives. :)

Sigh, you were bamboozled by a pretty face for sure. The gimmicks used on people to get their personal information. :(

Welcome to COM! Glad you are able to look back on it and make it into a COM dtube entry!

I think it was overdue, my brother @pechichemena and @diebitch must have asked me dozens of times to get involved. ;)

Thanks for sharing that story ...

She knew what she was doing .. the ole bait and switch.

of course... im sure she did it to many dudes at the mall...

Damn. I've been there, but it was Amway. That's where I thought this was going, as well. I'm glad you didn't go for it like my buddy did when the hot saleslady told him he looked sexy on the new GSX-R 1100.

Yeah, of course she meant it. All hot 20-something women are looking for a scrawny, middle-aged man with a leather face.

hahahhahahahah they can be evil!

lol, Reminds me of the following Simpsons episode ...

hahahahhahahah that is exactly how it happened!

Greetings great friend I hope you can support me with a vote I will be grateful

Women are evil, They only love me because of my defective eyes (to sell me glasses).

hahahaha you are the perfect prey! hahahah

Haha, this comment made my morning.

I did not see any pretty face in the video

story was quite funny though....

Sales people get all of us !!

That's a nice trunk on that car.


Awwwwwww nooooo!! I laughed and also winced. This happened to me once in reverse with a guy who asked me out and then tried to sell me a magazine subscription! I bought the subscription and he never called!! Now i have trust issues that resurface every time I see Rolling Stone magazine! Is that even a magazine anymore?

hhahaha oh yes it is.. and its still huge!

Lol, oh man, that's f%ed. That is a terrible marketing strategy.

You know... forgot to say.. she did call, like 3 times. Of course I didn't answer!