in #comedy7 years ago



I'm guessing you're reading now.


One - Acknowledge Yourself

Go to a mirror. Look the other you in the eyes. Are you happy to see yourself? Doesn't matter, you're stuck with the one you see for the time being, so get acquainted. Take in as much of your morphic field (The Shapes in the Mirror that Your Brain calls You) as you can. Do not rush. Without a clear, recent morphic imprint, extradimensional strain can result in many a mental malady. What point is there to going off to another reality if you're completely nuts when you get there? Spend as long as you need to taking note of everything about you that you notice. If you find yourself making judgments and subjective statements about the person in the mirror, you are NOT READY. Additionally, if you cannot look yourself in the eye and believe that it is you who is looking back, you are NOT READY. Keep coming back to the mirror and repeating the exercise until you can confront yourself, unashamed and unafraid.

Two - Locate yourself.

Know where you are. Wherever you find yourself, be aware of your position in the Universe. This is simple to understand, but difficult to master. Your location is always (HERE;NOW). It is that simple. Here is where you are Now. Now is when you are Here. But are you actually Here Now, or are you in fact absorbed in something There and Then. Where have you been before you got to Here Now? Have you always been Here Now? This step can be considered complete when the phrase "I AM HERE NOW" can be instantly, confidently and truthfully said.

Three - Identify Your Current Reality

Once you know Who you are, When you are, and Where you are, you can move on to the first tricky part: WHY YOU ARE.
Go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye and repeat this instruction: "Show me the cracks in my cage, the chinks in my armour and make for me a map that shall guide me true." Explore the nooks and crannies of your mind, chase down the demons and deal with them how you see fit, but know that you will never be free until they agree to go on their own. While on mental adventure, PAY ATTENTION to all that your mind reveals to you. Keep a record if you feel it's necessary.

Four - Find a Gate to a Chosen Reality

Once you have trained yourself to know yourself and once you are practiced in locating yourself both inside and outside your mind, you the edges of your Current Reality should be well-defined. Begin by making a wish-list of aspects you wish to find in your next reality. Define them well and begin a search. Look for places and people that bring different realities into being - they will guide you to their gates. Follow whom you choose. LET NO ONE CHOOSE YOUR REALITY FOR YOU.


Peace, Love and a Little Madness