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That's a good effort. But, I honestly didn't find it much impressive as a 'stand up comedy'. You narrated a story a comical way, and not a stand-up comedy. You could have script that with few beautiful punchline. I look forward to seeing more, and see you grow as a stand up comedian as well. And, that's quite a possible thing when you have such a good following. Best wishes @papa-pepper.
AH, so there's a difference between narrating a story in a comical way and stand up comedy? It seems that at least some of the stand up I used to watch was comedians narrating stories in comical ways... I'll have to do some research. Thanks for being honest.
Yes @papa-pepper. The difference is 'punchline'. I think your story was good but you missed the timing of punchline . You should try scripting with strong punches before going real. Cheers!
I actually disagree with that. I think scripting it makes it less organic.
Scripting for the content. It will sound blabbering otherwise.
Tit for tat. Just a Variance of opinion
True. Scripting can lead to static, robotic, depression.
Scripting can disconnect from emotion, connection, true heart.
Yeah, if I wanted that I would watch a news anchor
Not true. To script means to make a content (stronger), write a content- to be able to associate with the audience(s) as you begin a story-telling.