Nobody is going to care about your bitching. You're poor, nobody will see your posts and nobody will care. Now, go back to dealing with your daddy issues.
You're poor. Haha that's the best insult you could come up with. Like I said, you're time will come and I will do everything I can to make sure you never reach a top 20 witness spot
Yep, daddy issues. Hit the nail on the head!
Keep showing the community who you truly are. I think it will help your witness cause
Keep crying like a little bitch. We already know you are, now, nobody will need to see your nonsense because I'll make sure it's well hidden.
You're giving me more of a platform big guy, you're just too stupid to realize it.
Nobody is going to care about your bitching. You're poor, nobody will see your posts and nobody will care. Now, go back to dealing with your daddy issues.
You're poor. Haha that's the best insult you could come up with. Like I said, you're time will come and I will do everything I can to make sure you never reach a top 20 witness spot
Which is absolutely nothing, so, have fun!
Daddy's boy.
Time will tell.