R.I.P Trevor Moore April 4, 1980 – August 7, 2021

in #comedy4 years ago (edited)

Sadly I just read that on the 7th of August, Trevor Morre has passed away. Aged only 41 Years, he passed away after an unknown accident. Here is his Wikipedia Page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trevor_Moore_(comedian)

Trevor Moore was mainly known for his work with: The whitest Kids U Know, which produced some very edgy comedy. I just posted one of their great comedy Music Videos last month: In honor of Trevor I will post 3 other Music Videos of them. The third is the first that I ever saw of them, back when i was a Teenager and they were just at the beginning of their career.

Whitest Kids U' Know: Old Folks Home:

Whitest Kids U' Know: The America Song

Whitest Kids U' Know: Hitler Rap:


I am sorry to hear that

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