Videos I like #6 - That Mitchell and Webb Look - Corner Shop (comedy)

in #comedy8 years ago (edited)

I love this comedy sketch. It's a typical example of what dry English comedy can be.

For Americans :) , I'll set the scene...

Someone walks into a corner shop. He looks kind of respectable, but it's obvious that he's not taking care of himself because he looks a bit disheveled - his tie is not straight and his clothes have a bit of a crumpled look.

It becomes obvious that this scenario with these two people has occurred many times in the past and that the shopkeeper is just going through the motions, whilst the customer may actually believe that the pretense is fooling the shopkeeper.

You will see what I mean when you watch the video.


Thanks for looking at my post and..


... be happy!

The Smallprint (I always try to upvote any reasonable comments (i.e. those with more than a few words) with between 5% and 20% of voting power - this presently equates to about 2 cents to 8 cents depending on my voting strength. Please be patient, it can sometimes take several days before I do my upvotes. If there aren’t enough comments, I will simply upvote myself.)



I grew up one-half in Canada and one-half in the states, going back and forth. I saw English humor in Canada where it is very popular. For the most part, Americans do not get it. Keep trying though! they need it these days...

Upvoted for the memories :)

Btw, I wanna ask you @davidnx. How is th way to get big pay out like you.. because I see you only have 7 voters to this post..thank you..

Estuvo muy bueno el video, gracias amigo..!! From Venezuela @gaborey07