๐ท Color Challenge Tuesday : ๐ฆ๐๐ฆ Spicy Seafood Soup in Orange Chili Broth ๐ฅ๐ฒ๐ถ
๐ฆ๐๐ฆ + ๐ฅ๐
๐ถ =

On some days, nothing beats a large bowl of piping hot soup made with a variety of seafood, veggies and a whole lot of spice. Slurp!
Thanks for stopping by!
Cheers, @shalala
All content by me | ๐ธ Samsung Galaxy S8

Looks amazing @shalala. Would love one of these right about now!๐
Thanks @themessup!
This looks pretty dam tasty! Wish i would have saw this earlier.
Btw.. Can you get in touch with me on discord so we can discuss SSC winners?
Hi @jaybird. Are you under a different name on discord? Your avvy/name is not popping up when I do a search.
*Sorry for late response, I've been trying to get into my discord account and had to create a new one. :-/
Should work. I have it posted in the Official Sandwich Post ;) no worries. Let me know what your thinking.
Ay, yay yay... Totally missed it!
I just sent a request.