ColorChallenge - PurpleSunday Wisteria Flowers
In Portugal, the Mother's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May, that means today!
If last year we went to a SPA (Sunday Walk #5 Happy Mother's day!!), today we'll go for a walk.
First I want to share this Wisteria flower photos shot a few Sundays ago in her garden!
Despite being an exotic plant, it doesn't behave as an invader...and I absolutely love is fragrant flowers!!
Have a great and beautiful Sunday!!
This is my submission to ColorChallenge initiated by @kalemandra.
Thanks to @steemitboard for creating this awesome badges!

Please do not forget to check the other daily photography initiatives:
Weekday Challenges:
- Monochromemonday - initiated by @old-guy-photos
- TreeTuesday - initiated by @old-guy-photos
- BeachWednesday - leaded by @lizanomadsoul and initiated by @uwelang
- SunThursday - leaded by @lizanomadsoul and initiated by @uwelang
- LoveFriday - initiated by @liliana.duarte
- DanceWeekend - initiated by @uwelang
- MarketFriday - initiated by @dswigle
- SaturdayView - initiated by @luxurylifestyle
- Caturday - initiated by @dswigle
- BeautifulSunday - initiated by @ace108
- IntroduceYourHomeTown - initiated by @redtravels
- BeautifulDay - initiated by @barbara-orenya
...and challenges
- BeerSaturday - initiated by @detlev
- ColorChallenge (with daily color tags too) - initiated by @kalemandra
- Bwphotocontest - initiated by @daveks
- MyPictureDay - initiated by @timsaid
- DailyPhotoContests by @juliank: (- Monday: #foodphotography and #animalphotography; - Tuesday: #landscapephotography and #cityscapephotography; - Wednesday: #architecturalphotography and #vehiclephotography; - Thursday: #macrophotography and #colourfulphotography; - Friday: #streetphotography and #portraitphotography; - Saturday: #sportsphotography and #smartphonephotography; - Sunday: #goldenhourphotography and #longexposurephotography.
Happy Mother's Day! It is nice that Mother's Day is at a time when there are so many nice flowers. Wisteria are so pretty. They look so much like a purple version of Black Locust flowers (Robinia pseudoacacia).
Wisteria flowers are supposed to be good to eat, but I've never tried them. I think because my personal history with wisteria is fighting them so much! For many years, I would do a special chore for my grandmother -- clear the wisteria vines from a long row of beautiful Spireas that were easily 10 feet (3 m) high. My grandfather had planted a wisteria to grow up a big light-pole, and once he was gone, there was nobody to keep it under control. In mere months, it would run down and through all those spireas - so much biomass! But she didn't want to get rid of the wisteria vine, because it was so pretty and my grandfather had planted it. They can be incredibly vigorous vines! It would take hours and was so hard -- back when I could do anything, lol.
We had an incredible Spring/ almost Summer day! There were so many people at the beach...
You are right, this resembles Robinia!! Yesterday I remembered you due to your Robinia flowers paned. Guess someday we'll be promoting it here :)
It's still my mother that takes care of her garden, and I guess every year she spends a couple of hours cutting the sprouts. This winter I discovered how great their dry pods were to start fires at our fireplace.
I"ll have to try burning the dried pods of the wisteria! Thanks!
First of all Happy Mother's Day to you and in my opinion these type of beautiful flowers should be given to all mothers because they deserve every gift because they always sacrifice for their families. And yes these flowers are really beautiful and breathtaking to watch and i personally like to admire the beauty of flower because it's reflects as smile of nature. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
happy mother days and sweet flower
I’d love to have that wisteria in my yard. Great photos. Happy Mother’s Day to you.
The flowers are sooo beautiful! Great pictures. Happy mothers day
Woww es un gran día de primaveras y disfrutarlo el día de las madres es algo genial saludos :D