WednesdayYellow!!!!! Nature's Candy at the @gardenofeden!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #colorchallenge8 years ago

If you've ever had a home grown tomato, you know there is no substitute!!

I am blessed to experience these mouthgasmic treats everyday--juicy, fresh, alive and full of nutrients, as I walk barefoot through the land and pluck my food straight from the plant.  

Introducing our favorite cherry size yellow tomatoes,
the perfect bite size treat we call...

Enjoy a taste of Nature's Candy Straight from the @gardenofeden to you on this WednesdayYellow!! 

I used to plant tomato seeds, amongst many of our other crops at the @gardenofeden in January so they would grow to be healthy, strong and ready for transplanting in the spring.   Sprouting them inside or in a well-attended greenhouse is really the only option for us in Texas.  I would water them daily--sometimes twice, rotate the pots to maximize their heat and sun exposure, wrap them in blankets or regulate the greenhouse temperature and cover and uncover the windows with tarps and carpet to maintain the heat.  And I would sing to them and play my Tibetan bowls near them, and even soak the seeds in my mouth before planting so the plants would grow specifically for my DNA.   Everyday for months I would baby those sprouts and facilitate their growth through loving attention.

In recent years, we have had spring flooding in Texas.  So much water, in fact, that many of our cultivated crops we had planted in the ground had root rot before they could even get well established, despite the fact that we dug ditches, trenches and ponds to re-direct the over abundance of flooding water.  All those months of tender loving care were washed away through the power of the heavens!  This happened a couple of years in a row until I decided to get the message.  


I recognized that my dedicated focus could be better utilized where the outcome would be more prolific and let nature take its course.   Releasing the old, letting go of resistance, trusting in the abundance of the Universe--this is my new reality. I chose not to plant and baby the seeds, and instead just go without those crops that needed such diligent attention and embrace those that already grow and thrive without fail.  I felt rather sad that we would no longer have our beloved crops, especially tomatoes and peppers, but just let it go in honor of the ebb and flow of mother nature.

As spring rolled around and the soil began to warm, tomato plants, as well as melons, squash, pumpkin, cilantro, shiso, blackberry bushes, peach trees, and purslane, surprisingly started sprouting all by themselves.  Many came up in/near our compost and in our raised beds, others under trees and around pathways, and some other very unexpected places like under the tramp or in the wood pile.  These plants required no seeding, no transplanting, no daily watering of sprouts, no intentional sunning, or special care.  Mother nature blessed us with a bounty all of its own and provided everything necessary for a healthy crop of even our beloved tomatoes.  Throughout the hot summer months I would gladly bless these tomato plants with water so they would be sweet, plump, juicy and prolific. 

Everyday my body has been blessed in return by the vibrant nutrition from these little, sweet, treats.   

Things just want to grow.  

Provide them with the proper environment and they will thrive,

and so will you!

Have a blessed EVERything!

Thank you @kalemandra for holding up the rainbow!!!


Woooow amazing
Great ur post
Good luck @everlove👍

I love to see gardeners use recycled tires because they cause so much waste other wise, did you know you can stack them up very tall to grow a massive amount of potatoes in a small area. I did it years back, you start with one tire fill with straw and hay and a little soil then plant potatoes and keep adding more tires and soil/hay on top as it grows .

I like your ColorChallenge post. I enjoy learning about new people and different cultures.
Any way if you and anyone reading this would like to see my #colorchallenge post
Check it out

We have grown potatoes like that in tires. It does work great and yields a lot!! I'm glad you appreciate the joy's of using those discarded tires. Reusing, repurposing, recycling, upcycling is one of our fortes at the @gardenofeden. Sustainability is where it's at!!! Thanks for your comment @isteemithard.

i will always support you man!!!
nice post!!

Glad you're tuned in @killerkuasha. We have much to share. Thanks for being here.

this is my favorite color challenge post.. and i've seen a few! They look really tasty, loved up tomatoes!

What's not to love about those self seeding beauties? So glad you're enjoying it -- I'm grateful to share with you @eco-alex.