Color Challenge Tuesday ORANGE brings fond memories :) <3

Today I chose this item for Color Challenge Tuesday because it has meaning to me. I know that sunsets, flowers, or other nature photos are super cool and very popular, but I wanted to choose items that are 'different', yet have a sentimental draw for me. This orange bell goes with a game called 'PIT'. Pit is a game our family played and had so much fun with, I kept the game we recently taught it to our Grandchildren. They giggled and laughed just like their parents used to and the 3 year old belly laughed every time the bell rang!!
Soon my neighborhood will be covered in flowers of all colors and fruit tress will be overloaded with fruits. I will still have access to stunning sun rises and sunsets which make beautiful photos to share, but today I offer a simple orange bell with an energy of shared family fun, Love, and much joy.
Thank you for sharing this timeless moment with me <3
Much Love, Cheryl

Traditional family games are so much fun! My family has always played a card game we call, "nerts." We've created many fond memories playing it. 😁
So true, we have so many memories of family fun/play time...treasured times that we are carrying on with our Grandies now :) <3