No More Major Economic Correction?

in #collapse7 years ago

Hello peeps!

Let me first make it clear that I am not a doom and gloom kind of guy. However, I had been a believer for a few years that there is going to be a major economic correction. I am not talking about your garden variety kind of correction. I am talking about the mother of all corrections, the likes of which we have not seen since the great depression. Except this time it is going to be a lot worse.

Lost Mind.jpg

This is not based on hysteria or paranoia. I based my beliefs on purely facts and statistics. For example, take a look at the dynamic yield curve down below:


It is a record of the S&P 500 from the year 2000 up until now and its relationship with short and long term interest rates. As the markets goes up, so does the short term interest rate. Eventually the markets get to the point where the rates are so high that it comes crashing down. Recently the Federal Reserve has been raising the short term interest rates. Therefore, it rational to believe that there is going to be a sharp drop in the markets sometime in the near future.


Why has my outlook changed?

Not too long ago I came across an interview of a man named Lindsey Williams. To give you a little bit of context, he is a Baptist minister. In the 70's he volunteered his time to be the spiritual leader of the workers that were building the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline. This basically earned him a seat at the table of the Elite.

Lindsey said that without question, there is indeed a group of wealthy and powerful people that control everything, including what happens to the stock market. He mentioned that they had planned to collapse the economy but had to back track because Donald Trump became president. They dared not bring down the economy because they knew Donald Trump would not bail them out.

I know this sounds crazy and outlandish, but it is certainly making me think about how I am going to plan for the future. There is a possibility that none of these scenarios will come exactly to fruition (although I think regardless, it is only a matter of time).


Before you listen to the interview, forget about personal beliefs and religion. Just focus on the facts and keep an open mind. Do your own research and make your own conclusions. Learn about the Federal Reserve, learn about the markets, learn about the history of money and finance. It just might help you.

-Dumb Goomba