in #coffeeaddict7 years ago

Well guys,
There's nothing like a hot, milky, frothy coffee in every situation. I especially can't resist if someone gave me some addiction of this heaven drink.

But made no mistake, if you visiting Aceh, you have to try SANGER..

Sanger begin from a number of college students in 1996 who want to drink milk coffee. because at that time economic crisis, their thinking a way to keep drinking coffee mixed with milk. Then was born the idea with the title "equally understand" or in Indonesia we call "SA-ling men-GERti" which is abbreviated as sanger. In order for students to still enjoy affordable coffee milk, some students are asking coffee makers to make coffee, mix a little milk and added sugar to sweet.

Sanger is a mixture of black coffee, condensed milk. Physically, sanger is like coffee milk or caffee latte. But make no mistake, sanger is not an ordinary milk coffee. Not all the coffee makers in can make sanger. Because to make sanger contain dose of coffee, condensed milk should perfectly fit. After the coffee brewed with a filter of cone-shaped cloth which basicly we found it in every corner of Acehnese Coffee Shop, then added with condensed milk plus a little sugar and whipped until bubbly. Although already mixed with milk, the aroma of coffee still dominate. That's what causes sanger instead of ordinary milk coffee. It is said to get a delicious sanger, a mixture of milk just a little. Sanger can be enjoyed both hot and cold. To sip the pleasure of sanger. The price of one glass of hot sanger between IDR 5,000 to 8,000. This type of coffee is only found in Aceh

But there's a side effect you may consumed especially anxiety. Earlier yesterday, I just get a heavy anxiety cause of this sip. Some friend of my tells, that if the sanger maker cant do the brewer perfectly, it may cause you some heavy anxiety because the effect of the coffee and milk.

So then, I couldn't sleep for like 6 hours straight. I roll like panda who looking for food. my heart beating fast. My mind like a disco floor. I feel the anxiety like hell. After that reaction gone, I was so sleepy and i go to bed around 10pm and i woke up in 10am.. That's about 6 hours sleep to redeem myself cause of that.

But if I can't go a day without a cup of coffee, or the thought of coffee is what gets up in the morning, there's a chance you may be addicted to caffeine.

Now, coffee isn't necessarily 'bad' for you (in fact, research shows quite the opposite in appropriate amounts), but too much of it isn't a good idea -- it can result in sleeping problems, heart palpitations and nervousness. Not to mention all the negative effects when you stop drinking coffee. Everyone processes caffeine differently -- some can drink three cups with no problems, while others are more sensitive. If high doses of caffeine make you feel nervous, anxious, edgy, nauseated or jittery, it might be time to cut back. Essentially, coffee creates stress in the body (via adrenaline), producing those 'coffee symptoms' we often feel.

The wonderful thing about coffee is that it delivered on its promise every time; subsequently, you've never been able to walk away from it. Scientists named Gary L. Wenk, Ph.D tells that have known for many years that coffee stimulates the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine produces the euphoria and pleasant feelings that people often associate with their first cup of coffee in the morning. Many drugs that produce euphoria, such as cocaine, amphetamine and ecstasy, act upon dopamine in the brain. This action by coffee has always been an adequate explanation for why caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive substance in the world.

So, I hope we all can drink coffee as we need, not because or thirst of it. Good Day People