let's get to know coffee
have you known about coffee !
let's both we know him.
here are some coffee beans that we must understand,for steemit friends who love coffee,it's not good to always drink coffee, but do not know the level of roast is done on the coffee beans.well through this steemit I will tell coffee lovers especially for the friends who join in steemit.
header before we enter the process of review I will tell you that when the coffee tree is harvested, the coffee bean is called **gabah**
This gabah is a new coffee bean ready to be harvested. how to process this first gabah should we dry in advance until the water content in the gabah is reduced in accordance with what we want,
then the gabah is pounded and peeled to be green bean.
2.##green bean
green bean is a seed that is still green,then from this green bean then go in the process of roasting.
here are some roast levels according to the level:.....
A. Light
B. Cinnanion
C. Medium
D. Dark
E. Italian
this is a bit out of my understanding of coffee, hopefully useful for all readers.
let's start today do not just drink coffee, let's start reading.
Thank you
please check my account @nurhafly