Story coffee mongoose

in #coffe2 years ago


Some people drink an average of several cups of coffee per day. coffee mongoose is or is called civet coffee.

A drink made from coffee fruit seeds that are eaten and, then, excreted along with feces when the Asian coconut civet defecates. coffee mongoose literally means the type of coffee that exists thanks to the excrement of these forest animals. The Asian palm civet, otherwise known as the civet, is a small, hairy, long-tailed, tree-climbing mammal that lives in Southeast and South Asia. His favorite food is coffee fruit. mongoose will roam in search of this delicacy.

When they have found, they will choose the best, tastiest and most ripe fruit to eat. mongoose-tracing specialists collect this droppings, separate the seeds from the droppings, wash and dry them. Then, You have the most expensive coffee beans in the world The story behind the discovery of coffee mongoose cannot be separated from the long history of European colonialism. Spain, England, Portugal and the Netherlands expanded their reach into Asia. They most often "settle" on lands that are quite rich in natural resources and agricultural land.

The Dutch became the first large-scale coffee importers when they discovered the seeds in Yemen in the 16th century. In the early 17th century, the Dutch began smuggling them out of Yemen. some brave farmers collect dirt, sort the coffee beans, clean them, then process them into drinks. Its very distinctive aroma and taste, soon became a favorite not only among farmers, but also plantation owners. coffee experts argue that the reason the beans make really good coffee is for two reasons: the civet's choice and digestion.

mongoose are good at choosing the best coffee cherries to eat, meaning the coffee beans they release are generally of the highest quality. In addition, when the seeds are in the digestive tract of the mongoose, they absorb some of the acids and enzymes in the digestive tract of the animal. The price of this coffee bean is very expensive. Dean & Deluca, a very upscale grocery chain, currently sells coffee mongoose collected from wild civets in Thailand for $70 for a 50-gram bag of coffee beans.