Day 50
March 4th, 2018
Hello! Today I got the end of the ES6 course by Wes Bos, and it was really great. I learned a lot about ES6 and I will make sure to use them in my code. It can also be used as a reference later.
We looked at a few other things.
class Dog {
constructor(name, breed) { = name;
this.breed = breed;
barks = 0;
We can use classes, but add a constructor outside.
Also there padStart
strings.forEach(str => console.log(str.padStart(longestString)));
which can pad string to the start of others strings.
The trailing comma,…We can finish an object or even function with a comma
const names = [
Also learned about Object.entries() and .values() which we can use to make a list of items and how many things we have inside them.
P.S I have been at this coding for three months now and I cannot believe how long I have got. It is difficult that is for sure, but I understand more now. Still have to apply it though, but in time. I want to continue doing this and improving myself.