人生百味,慢慢体会 The flavors of life are slowly experienced

in #cn10 months ago

很喜欢的一段话 :“ 既然是人生,就免不了人情冷暖;既然是生活,就免不了酸甜苦辣。9y
生活,就是这样,别人只看结果,自已独撑过程,面对生活,我们除了坚强, 就是继续,别无选择,路可以回头看,但不能回头走。

I like a passage very much: "Since it is life, it is inevitable that people will be warm and cold; Since it is life, it is inevitable that there will be ups and downs. 9y
Life is full of flavors, life is trivial, who can not be tired, but in a different way, to accept and face...
Life is like this, others only look at the results, they support the process alone, in the face of life, we have no choice but to be strong, is to continue, there is no choice, the road can look back, but can not go back.
For the rest of my life, I hope that you and I can, with a sincere heart, lead the teachings of the years with a pious attitude, and respect the future for a long time.
