Death of A Virgin (7) -- 【处女的死亡】 -7- 长篇连载

in #cn9 years ago (edited)

After sex, XiaoE went to the old monk for help again. The old monk made the same secret ceremony for her. She recovered to be virgin again.

XiaoE’s stepfather revoked the relation of child bride in time. And the pharmacist, BaoZhang did a lot to save him. So he was luckily sentenced to be a rich farmer which was much better than a landlord. His leg was broken while some other landlords were tormented to death.

XiaoE was not a child bride any longer. She was wait to marry BaoZhang. But BaoZhang’s father regarded it as a shame to have a divorced girl as daughter-in-law.

XiaoE & BaoZhang dated frequently until XiaoE got pregnant.

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Chapter 1 -- 第一章
Chapter 2 -- 第二章
Chapter 3 -- 第三章
Chapter 4 -- 第四章
Chapter 5 -- 第五章
Chapter 6 -- 第六章
Chapter 7 -- 第七章

This fiction is based on a true story of a Chinese girl.
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