爱你在心口难开,那个爱字怎地出口? Is it really culture difference when talking about love?

in #cn8 years ago


快一年了,终于要到老家了,而且还第一次带着老公回去。越快到家门,心里越急迫地想见到母亲和哥哥们。当母亲就在面前,丈夫热情地走过去拥抱母亲和我哥一家,我只是抑着心里的感情站在一边傻傻地笑。回到酒店后丈夫很不解地问我“你为什么没抱抱并亲亲你妈?我知道你平时非常想她,可是为什么她站在你面前,你却一点都没有表示?”他说他不懂。而且说如果换做是他妈妈他要是这样,他妈妈会把他给阉了。 我不知道是否可以上升为国家间的文化差别? 还是只是我个人的问题?中国的传统是含蓄,表达感情和爱意更多在行动而不是言语。 而西方文化从小就被教育要大胆说出你的爱。

Finally, I was able to get back home to China after almost a year, it was the first time my husband went to China to meet with my family. I was so eager to meet my mom and brothers in person. But when my mom showed up, I was standing still by the side, while my husband went up to my mom and my brother and give them a big hug. When we went back to the hotel, my husband was confused, and he asked me “why didn’t you hug and kiss your mom? I know you missed her a lot, but why didn’t you show it when you met her”. He said he didn’t get it. He also mentioned that if it were his mom, she would bite his head off for not hugging her. I am not sure if this is culture difference between US and China, or this is my own personal issue? In China, the culture was not to show you're affectionate and love out loud. An action is more than a thousand words. But in the Western world, people are taught to express their love and affectionate freely and openly.


When my brother came to the US for the first time last year, at the arrival terminal gate, I greeted him with a big hug. He felt a little bit embarrassed and shy. That was the first time that I ever hugged him if I can remember. When he left the US, I didn’t hug him again. I had a bit of regret for not having done it. Whenever I meet with my husband’s parents, sister’s or his other relatives, I always hug and kiss them naturally. But not sure why, when it came to my family, it was kind of weird. I have few Chinese friends here too, every time we meet, we usually shake hands instead of exchanging hugs and kisses than what I would usually do for my American friends.


Wondering why’s that for the difference in behavior? As Chinese, we are not shy about sharing our love with our children, not shy of showing affectionate to our partners, but when was last time we showed our love to our brothers, sisters, and parents? How many people have hugged their parents and siblings and told them out loud that “I love you”? I'm exposed to both cultures. Theoretically, I should have always had adopted what works better, but why did I behave differently?


Can’t wait for next time when I go back to China again, I will tell my mom “I love you” tonight when I video chat her, let the action speak.



thumbnail painting is from my nephew. He just started learning paining 3 months ago. I am really impressed by his progress and talent.


My wife had the same experience. Now she likes to hug her parents. 我老婆原来也是一样的,觉得抱抱很奇怪,结果现在她很喜欢抱父母。Actually her buddhist teacher said Chinese people need to learn to hug each other and show affection. 她的佛教老师还说中国人需要学习拥抱There's a book called the 5 languages of love, I'm not sure if you've heard of it. 爱的五种语言看过吗,有一些人喜欢用语言代表爱,有些喜欢用肢体Some people like to show or receive affection in different ways. Chinese people seem to like helping you do things as their favorite way. 中国人喜欢替你做事表达感情My wife is from Fuzhou where their speech always sounds like they are arguing. Often you will see two people talking and it looks like they are shouting at each other. 我老婆是福州人,福州话听上去很像骂人的话,可是有时候他们听上去在对吗其实在互相表达爱Actually they are helping each other and showing affection in a strange roundabout way. A lot of societies have a macho culture which doesn't let us show love. We have to move beyond that.很多文化有大男子主义不允许我们表达感情拥抱 Go hugs!!!我们要多抱抱!

Thanks for the comment. I haven't read that book yet. It's pretty interesting. This is not the first time people say our language sounds like we are shouting at each other. This was also what I educated my hubby before he went to China. :)

我最初對美國同事的這種打招呼方式也有點不習慣. 雖然經常在電視,電影中見到,亦知道其他外國同事都是這樣做. 不過當親身體驗時還是覺得怪怪的. 當然現在已經習慣了.




嗯 生活中太多不同文化间的碰撞 蛮有趣的


所以说入乡随俗后还是本性难移 :)

