Greek Holiday (Part 3) 希腊假日(3) by @dapeng

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

This article was written by @dapeng / 本文由 @dapeng 撰写提交

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Original text/原文如下:

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of our wedding, we had an eight-day holiday in Greece. We were in Athens from Day 1 to Day 3, in Santorini from Day 4 to Day 7. In the previous posts (Part I, Part II), some pictures taken in Athens and Sontorini were displayed. In this post, you can see some more impressive pictures, including the best spot of this trip: the landmark.

结婚五周年,我们的庆祝活动是希腊度假八日游。在前两篇帖子里 (1, 2), 讲述的是我们在雅典观光和乘船赴圣托里尼岛的故事。本篇是希腊假日游记的完结篇,我们将展示此次旅行的高潮部分:寻找明信片上的地标。

Day 6: Black beach 第六天:黑沙滩;奥伊亚

Black beaches are rarely seen, compared with white beaches. Perissa, a beach at the east corner of Santorini, is well-known as a black beach. See the chairs in the following figure. They were paid for according to the number of people, with no time limit!

黑沙滩比白沙滩少见,位于圣岛东边的 Perissa 就以黑沙滩闻名。沙滩上的躺椅是按人数收费的,不限时。


Black beach. 黑沙滩

End of June is not the best season for sea swimming. It was very cold after we played in the water for a while.



Tides. 浪来了

Thus we just lied in the sunshine to keep warm. It was so pleasant to hear the tides and see the waves.



Black beach at Perissa. 黑沙滩

Afterwards, we went to Oia by motercycle. Oia was said to be the most beautiful sight on Santorini, and we the best came the last.



Motorcyle at Sontorini. 我们主要的交通工具

We had to go across the entire island from the east coast to the west one. A long way became a piece of cake because of our motorcycle. On the way we passed by other beaches, saw a tiny airport, and occasionally visited the most famous wine museum. Wines produced locally were available at a very good price.



Wine museum. 葡萄酒博物馆



A pause at an unknown place. 未知旅途的小憩

Here we were, Oia. The sunset at Oia was amazing, with windmills and little round-roofed churches, and, of course, a lot of tourists, who had to get there one hour before sunset so as to find a good spot for sight seeing. This was the fourth sunset on this trip.



Sunset at Oia. 奥依亚的落日

Day 7: Landmark. 第七天:地标蓝顶教堂

On the fourth day on the island, we saw something that we had not seen for years: sunrise over the sea.



Sunrise. 海上日出

Both sunrise and sunset last only seconds. However, sunrise is different. You see the sun and know where it will kiss the horizon at sunset, but you never know where the sun will pop up at sunrise. We do not often see sunrise in our lives, do we? We are always busy in working or sleeping at sunrise. Early to bed, early to rise makes you heathy, wealthy and wise. From now on, let's meet the morning sun every day, shall we?

日出和日落的相同点在于,都非常快,就那么几十秒中。区别在于,日出的时候会猜测,太阳到底从海天交际的哪一点上升起。开始的时候不太明显,逐渐发现某处似乎更亮一点,更亮一点,突然,一个亮点就出现了。 我们这一辈子,真正看到日出的时候,恐怕不多吧。不是在忙着工作,就是在忙着睡觉。 记得有条谚语说,早睡早起让你健康、富有和睿智(Early to bed, early to rise makes you heathy, wealthy and wise)。从今天起,养成早睡早起的习惯吧。

Actually it was hard to find a right place to see the sunrise. People like night life, and most of the sight seeing spots were designed for sunset rather than sunrise. We were luck that there was a platform in front of our hotel, a perfect spot for seeing sunrise. After that, we went back to bed and go on sleeping.


When we woke up again, we set off to Oia for the second time. Why? Because there was still one wish which had not been checked in the list yet.

At the very beginning of this trip, we saw a beautiful blue-roofed church on many postcards. It was the landmark of Santorini. We had seen lots of blue-roofed churches except this ONE. Where was it?

We drove our motorcycle once again. We found a little church with blossoms in the yard. It was not the ONE, though.







An unknown church. 未知小教堂

The day before we only saw the evening at Oia. This time we saw her in the sunshine. Greek white and Greek blue.



Street view at Oia. 奥伊亚的街道

Through the narrow streets we found another little church. Not the ONE, again.

But it was cute. As it was not allowed to take pictures in it. Thus we took one outside. I wished we could have had another wedding here.



Another unknown church. 又一个不知名教堂.

Half a day had passed and we still had not found the ONE. A lunch at a nice restaurant at the sea shore was a good choice for us.



Lunch. 午餐

Time flew. We asked many people where the ONE was, but no one could answer.


Suddenly and occasionally, we entered an ordinary small street, and we were amazed. Yes, it was. The ONE was just here.



Landmark building at Sontorini. 明星蓝顶教堂

Our wish list was finally completed.


Day 8. Goodbye. 第八天:难说再见

We flied from Santorini to Athens in the evening, to Munich on the following day, and arrived home on the eighth day. Goodbye Santorini. Goodbye Greece. It was an unforgettable trip. I will definitely come again some day, maybe on another wedding anniversary with our kids.


Author @dapeng, Posted By @someone


Great post. Thanks for sharing.

Amazing! :) Santorini is definitely one of the most beautiful places in Greece. I want to go there soon :) Great photos!

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@someone u wrote a good article
@dapeng, the pictures look so romantic, and beautiful, many people see sunset but sunrise is the most beautiful, i never witnessed sunrise on the beach must be an amazing sight, the sun rising up as its scarlet colour shades the sea wow . the colours of the one compliments each other so perfecly, especially the way u took the picture the sea reflecting in the background making the white stand out more as holy :)

Exactly. That was one of the best moments I have ever had. Now I am living in a valley. The sunrise is totally different. I have taken some pictures, unfortunately none of them is perfect. I wish I could take a satisfactory one some day. Thank you for your reply.

i hope it will be soon so that u can post it :) ure welcome .

Interesting post

Those Are Wonderful Pics Bro :) Keep'em Up And Have Fun !!!

Thank you! You too!

Amazing trip you got there @someone! all white surroundings and churches, looks like a place in heaven

It was @dapeng's trip and @someone helped post it here. Thank you! More pictures taken in Greece can be found at @dapeng.

Thanks to @someone. I just found some typos and grammatical mistakes in English:

  • 'flied' should be 'flew'.
  • 'a unforgettable trip' should be 'an unforgettable trip'.

I am sorry for my carelessness. I hope that I roughly presented the story in English.

Maybe we can play a game here, named Find a typo or grammatical mistake in this post.




