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RE: Why?

in #cn8 years ago

You are right when you say some Pharmaceutical at charging more than what the cost of anti-biotic or medicine right now. That's why in our country Philippines there is a second option we call this not branded but we call it Rite Mid but the effect still the same with branded medicines but it is 40% to 50% cheaper and sometime not branded medicines like Rite Med is too excellent medicines than the branded. So there is an option to select and it is advantage to all families who have no money or small budget only especially to the poor family. Don't forget mcw to follow me also. Thank you for your excellent post!


Interesting to know that!
Most new drug are patented by big company so others could not directly mass produced. Instead, i was told that some in poorer country will do slight modification on the drug, so they can by pass the patent, yet loosing some bioactivity and risk with less animal test. By this, they may sell the analog at a lower price