The Majesty of London's Renowned Regents Park - Part I / 伦敦著名的摄政公园 - 上集

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


The famous Regents Park is considered to be one of the most beautiful outdoor tourist attractions in London and an afternoon's visitation to it's sprawling greens and lush gardens simply affirms this bold statement.

Regent’s Park is one of London’s eight Royal Parks and is named after Prince Regent, sometimes referred to as the playboy prince, who later became King George IV from 1762 – 1830).

Also being a personal favourite of mine, a trip to Regent’s Park never fails to be a great day out. I never cease to be amazed at the fact that there are in total 410 acres of lush, beautiful gardens right here, in the heart of London. So if you're every in dire need of some fresh air and breathing space, you couldn't go far wrong by taking a nice, relaxing stroll within it's grounds.

There being only one week before my parents returned to China, I decided to take them on a particularly glorious sunny Saturday afternoon here.



(A beautiful and sunny day on our way to Regents Park. Will it last though?)

The park is located in the heart of Central London, near St. Pancras, Marylebone and Paddington. Very close to other such popular tourist attractions like Madame Tussauds and Camden Town. My feeling is that every part of the park has its own unique charm to it, due to the distinctly different looks of each section. Which is something that keeps drawing me back to it again and again.

Like all the big parks in London, Regent’s park is full of wide, open spaces and lush green grass. You'll find many huge, broad trees scattered around that should provide plenty of shade in case of an unexpected downpour. The venue is blissfully tranquil. What more could you ask for?




(Wide and spacious open areas to enjoy the surrounding beauty)

Frieze Art Fair 2017

Currently, there is a stunning outdoor exhibition for the Frieze Art Fair 2017 in Regent’s Park’s English Gardens, where twenty three sculptures are being exhibited. It features works by some of the most famous 20th-century and contemporary artists, including John Chamberlain, Urs Fischer, Gary Hume, Michael Craig-Martin and Ugo Rondinone. Well worth a visit to indulge in some top-notch creative artwork.



(Could this be based upon the world famous Rubix Cube)







(You can tell this couple don't know what to make of this particular piece of artwork, lol)



(Wondering how this amazing piece looks from this little boy's perspective?)


(There you go, lol!)


Avenue Gardens

The Avenue Gardens is near the Broad Walk. Stand-out highlights include tiered fountains, evergreen hedges and expansive ornamental bowls brimming with colourful flowers. Don't forget to pay this area a visit when here. It's alluring presence is like sweet candy for the eyes. Everyone took out their cameras or phones to take pictures, trying to capture this incredible beautiful moment.




Within the centre of Avenue Gardens stands a large, circular stone bowl supported by four winged statues of lions. This magnificent sculpture was installed by Newfield in 1863. Check it out below:







(The lush, sweeping landscapes were breath-taking. Who'd have thought this is all contained in the centre of London)




There are some awesome little coffee stops/cafes along the way. I can vouch for their great tasting brews. If you opt for the lunch menu, I would recommend the Regent’s Bar and Kitchen. Keep in mind that their sandwiches and pizzas are especially delicious. The café even has a wonderful open-plan space with attached spacious terrace. Perfect for spending a nice, chilled day admiring the gorgeous scenery throughout.


Money Drinking Fountain

A little further along, we came across the Ready Money Drinking Fountain, which is a four-sided granite and marble gothic drinking fountain. The sculpture contains a whopping ten tonnes of Sicilian marble and additional four tonnes of red Aberdeen granite.

It was a wealthy Iranian industrialist from Bombay who donated it to Regent’s Park in 1869 as a "gift of appreciation" for the protection that he and his fellow nationalists received from British rule in India.



A Sudden Downpour (Typical!)

If you have ever lived in London, you are probably aware that the weather here can be pretty unpredictable. Not long after we entered the park, a heavy shower came out of nowhere. Luckily for us, there was a smallish willow tree nearby. The perfect hiding spot for us to wait it out, lol. It turned out perfectly as the sunshine wasn't far behind.










走进英国花园 (English Garden),恰好这儿正举办“弗里兹艺术周”。这是一个大规模的户外雕塑作品展,共展出二十三个巨型雕像。这一片浓缩的现场文化由著名的20世纪和当代艺术家的作品来呈现,有John Chamberlain, Urs Fischer, Gary Hume, Michael Craig-Martin and Ugo Rondinone。件件艺术品可谓造工精细,寓意深刻,都是一流的创作作品,很值得一看。对于喜欢艺术的朋友们,千万不要错过哦。以下是我个人精选的几件作品。


大道花园位于Broad Walk 附近,主要亮点有分层的喷泉,四季常青的树篱以及鲜艳缤纷的五彩花坛。处处色彩鲜艳绚丽,犹如甜蜜的糖果般吸引人的眼光。游客们纷纷拿出相机拍照,想把这道美丽的风景永远留下。

在大道花园的中心,有一座大型的圆形石碗装满了盛开的花朵,并由四只狮子雕像在下方支撑着。这个宏伟的雕塑是Newfield 在1863年建成的。









I like the park, looks so beautiful you should have fun there. Thank you for sharing this with us @rea 😊

Grear dear.. Also visit here and must upvote, m new here and. Need help

I did :) Thank you @sylejmanbajgora for stopping by!

You can go anywhere in London. It is lucky for @rea who stay there. I cant be there, @rea. I am too far to get there. 😀
Have a nice day,

Grear dear.. Also visit here and must upvote, m new here and. Need help

Hopefully one day you can come and vist!

What a lovely pictures and great post. like your colorful pictures of park.thanks for sharing.

Thank you. :)

Great visual tour, as a fan and artist of abstract art, I got some inspiration.

Regent's Park is my favourite of the London parks. It has a little bit of everything; formal gardens, wilderness, the canal, the sports fields. There's even a hidden garden in the middle which not many people know about!

Yes, the variety in this place is awesome! :)

OMG it's just AMAZING!! It's one of my favourite parks in London! Miss the good old days in London, and also the weather ;p

GOOOD YOU ARE biautiful

Thanks a lot :)

Thank you, @susanlo! You must come back soon. :)

'>V< yuppp!!

I went to school near Regent's Park, and we used to do our sports activities there. Love the photos of the sculptures, but have you been there when the Frieze art fair is on - there are even more on display, not to mention the art inside.

Love your writing on here. It was some of the first I read when I discovered Steemit, and provided a real inspiration for me to get on and write something of my own. Thank you!

Sorry, I completely missed that these were from Frieze! I thought it began later in the year. Did you get a chance to go inside?

Thank you for your kind words, @surrealist. Yes, the Frieze Art Fair was creative and mentally stimulating. Regents Park is great and I consider you very lucky to have gone to school near there. :)

Wow, beautiful landscape and art works. Would love to check this out in my next visit to London. :)

You are welcome anytime! :)

Can count on England to make art out of football :-)

Lol, being the national game, it makes total sense. :)

But their ranking now kind of not very good.

Are you a big fan of football? I didn't follow, lol.

not really. once in 4 years perhaps. :-)

我本來講你很幸運當天天氣太好了可以慢慢看東西、看到最後都是下雨 😅

同感! 哎伦敦这天气!!