🏅 中文区近30天发帖用户排行榜(Reputation, Steem Power, Real SP)
- STEEM POWER 与点赞收益(Curation Rewards)对照表
- steemit 隐藏神技之: 富豪榜 / The rich list of steemit & How to get it from SteemData
另外,神马持有多少STEEM, 多少SBD,多少存款(SAVING)和点赞收益一毛钱关系都没有,所以就不列出了。
重点是STEEM POWER,另外我引入一个新的条目RSP
RSP代表Real STEEM POWER, 计算方法是: RSP = SP + 别人代理过来的 - 代理给别人的
另外一个重要参数是VP (Voting Power): 就是当前剩余的投票能量
点赞给作者增加的收益: RSP x VP x 投票百分比 x 系统参数
数据生成时间: 2017-07-14 02:26:44(UTC)
这期间共有: 文章数3563
, 发帖用户数748
🏅按声望分排序 / Top 30 authors (sorted by Reputation score)
Rank. | ID | REP | SP | RSP | VP(%) |
1 | @sweetsssj | 74.42 | 58161.55 | 339192.36 | 85.09 |
2 | @officialfuzzy | 73.22 | 19951.02 | 310172.16 | 80.97 |
3 | @chinadaily | 73.14 | 4731.88 | 4731.88 | 83.70 |
4 | @elfkitchen | 71.73 | 2551.54 | 2551.54 | 23.93 |
5 | @myfirst | 71.42 | 3046.85 | 4069.90 | 13.39 |
6 | @birds90 | 71.26 | 2749.04 | 2749.04 | 13.78 |
7 | @ace108 | 71.01 | 10481.77 | 58851.96 | 58.29 |
8 | @oflyhigh | 70.59 | 9018.10 | 55364.75 | 54.36 |
9 | @exploretraveler | 70.58 | 1663.62 | 1663.62 | 98.00 |
10 | @bkkshadow | 70.55 | 1167.34 | 1167.34 | 63.84 |
11 | @deanliu | 70.12 | 11900.52 | 60270.72 | 28.14 |
12 | @fishingvideos | 70.00 | 171.26 | 5.09 | 89.83 |
13 | @helene | 69.74 | 9814.08 | 9814.08 | 55.52 |
14 | @shieha | 69.60 | 3848.84 | 202.21 | 43.04 |
15 | @ability | 69.57 | 308.65 | 16.72 | 98.00 |
16 | @lemooljiang | 69.47 | 7994.70 | 7994.70 | 50.24 |
17 | @abit | 69.36 | 1952123.08 | 1952123.08 | 91.65 |
18 | @writingamigo | 69.02 | 788.22 | 788.22 | 64.60 |
19 | @sulev | 68.32 | 7208.82 | 6207.84 | 74.91 |
20 | @rivalhw | 68.24 | 2763.72 | 2763.72 | 90.73 |
21 | @richristow | 67.87 | 5686.19 | 5686.19 | 99.60 |
22 | @firepower | 67.78 | 24282.36 | 24282.36 | 79.70 |
23 | @cnfund | 67.75 | 2751.57 | 8.98 | 96.05 |
24 | @beanz | 67.50 | 2529.52 | 2529.52 | 80.86 |
25 | @rea | 67.28 | 24336.04 | 24336.04 | 96.10 |
26 | @solarguy | 67.20 | 5026.81 | 5026.81 | 66.38 |
27 | @blakemiles84 | 67.09 | 14901.86 | 14901.86 | 84.61 |
28 | @muzhu | 66.92 | 74.72 | 5.29 | 98.00 |
29 | @surpassinggoogle | 66.86 | 5026.66 | 5026.66 | 78.64 |
30 | @blueorgy | 66.72 | 18153.82 | 18153.82 | 89.96 |
🏅按SP排序 / Top 30 authors (sorted by STEEM Power)
Rank. | ID | REP | SP | RSP | VP(%) |
1 | @abit | 69.36 | 1952123.08 | 1952123.08 | 91.65 |
2 | @sweetsssj | 74.42 | 58161.55 | 339192.36 | 85.09 |
3 | @officialfuzzy | 73.22 | 19951.02 | 310172.16 | 80.97 |
4 | @boombastic | 57.15 | 67920.78 | 67920.78 | 96.04 |
5 | @deanliu | 70.12 | 11900.52 | 60270.72 | 28.14 |
6 | @ace108 | 71.01 | 10481.77 | 58851.96 | 58.29 |
7 | @oflyhigh | 70.59 | 9018.10 | 55364.75 | 54.36 |
8 | @somebody | 58.98 | 33594.58 | 33594.58 | 86.22 |
9 | @nextgen622 | 64.36 | 32810.74 | 32810.74 | 42.69 |
10 | @megaspore | 64.15 | 25791.43 | 25791.43 | 86.34 |
11 | @rea | 67.28 | 24336.04 | 24336.04 | 96.10 |
12 | @firepower | 67.78 | 24282.36 | 24282.36 | 79.70 |
13 | @testz | 65.45 | 18919.29 | 18919.29 | 98.00 |
14 | @blueorgy | 66.72 | 18153.82 | 18153.82 | 89.96 |
15 | @blakemiles84 | 67.09 | 14901.86 | 14901.86 | 84.61 |
16 | @realcodysimon | 51.64 | 13306.90 | 13379.58 | 94.96 |
17 | @jack8831 | 61.06 | 12864.96 | 13364.99 | 97.74 |
18 | @steameat | 48.26 | 13165.17 | 13192.74 | 96.06 |
19 | @joythewanderer | 63.24 | 5966.05 | 11968.94 | 31.77 |
20 | @helene | 69.74 | 9814.08 | 9814.08 | 55.52 |
21 | @cqf | 49.82 | 9760.29 | 9760.29 | 69.19 |
22 | @gaman | 47.21 | 9194.42 | 9194.42 | 99.44 |
23 | @pnc | 62.47 | 8657.64 | 8657.64 | 70.52 |
24 | @immarojas | 64.82 | 8228.53 | 8228.53 | 98.00 |
25 | @lemooljiang | 69.47 | 7994.70 | 7994.70 | 50.24 |
26 | @coinbitgold | 63.97 | 7910.30 | 7910.30 | 58.94 |
27 | @incrediblesnow | 54.45 | 175.12 | 6953.86 | 60.24 |
28 | @ydauti | -3.16 | 6800.27 | 6800.27 | 76.10 |
29 | @sulev | 68.32 | 7208.82 | 6207.84 | 74.91 |
30 | @pagandance | 47.21 | 6170.75 | 6170.75 | 26.99 |
🏅按Real SP排序 / Top 30 authors (sorted by Real SP)
Rank. | ID | REP | SP | RSP | VP(%) | Online |
1 | @abit | 69.36 | 1952102.89 | 1952102.89 | 96.28 | 465 |
2 | @sweetsssj | 74.42 | 58161.37 | 339191.33 | 85.04 | 344 |
3 | @officialfuzzy | 73.22 | 19950.96 | 310171.23 | 79.70 | 446 |
4 | @boombastic | 57.15 | 67920.58 | 67920.58 | 96.04 | 450 |
5 | @deanliu | 70.12 | 11900.49 | 60270.53 | 27.32 | 364 |
6 | @ace108 | 71.01 | 10481.74 | 58851.78 | 58.29 | 361 |
7 | @oflyhigh | 70.59 | 9018.08 | 55364.58 | 54.07 | 353 |
8 | @somebody | 58.98 | 33594.48 | 33594.48 | 86.22 | 356 |
9 | @nextgen622 | 64.36 | 32810.64 | 32810.64 | 42.87 | 349 |
10 | @megaspore | 64.15 | 25791.35 | 25791.35 | 86.34 | 276 |
11 | @rea | 67.28 | 24335.97 | 24335.97 | 95.65 | 364 |
12 | @firepower | 67.78 | 24282.29 | 24282.29 | 79.70 | 371 |
13 | @testz | 65.45 | 18919.23 | 18919.23 | 98.00 | 460 |
14 | @blueorgy | 66.72 | 18152.82 | 18152.82 | 89.96 | 365 |
15 | @blakemiles84 | 67.08 | 14901.82 | 14901.82 | 83.27 | 409 |
16 | @realcodysimon | 51.64 | 13306.86 | 13379.54 | 94.96 | 44 |
17 | @jack8831 | 61.06 | 12864.93 | 13364.95 | 97.74 | 326 |
18 | @steameat | 48.26 | 13165.13 | 13192.70 | 96.06 | 21 |
19 | @joythewanderer | 63.24 | 5966.03 | 11968.91 | 31.77 | 363 |
20 | @helene | 69.74 | 9814.05 | 9814.05 | 55.52 | 348 |
21 | @cqf | 49.82 | 9760.26 | 9760.26 | 69.19 | 95 |
22 | @gaman | 47.17 | 9194.39 | 9194.39 | 99.43 | 18 |
23 | @pnc | 62.47 | 8657.61 | 8657.61 | 69.82 | 435 |
24 | @immarojas | 64.82 | 8228.51 | 8228.51 | 98.00 | 337 |
25 | @lemooljiang | 69.47 | 7994.68 | 7994.68 | 50.73 | 362 |
26 | @coinbitgold | 63.97 | 7910.27 | 7910.27 | 59.16 | 400 |
27 | @incrediblesnow | 54.39 | 175.12 | 6953.84 | 71.81 | 20 |
28 | @ydauti | -3.16 | 6800.25 | 6800.25 | 76.10 | 40 |
29 | @sulev | 68.32 | 7208.80 | 6207.82 | 74.91 | 360 |
30 | @pagandance | 47.21 | 6170.73 | 6170.73 | 26.99 | 64 |
- RSP x VP x 投票百分比 x 系统参数 决定点赞者给作者增加的收入
- 同样RSP x VP x 投票百分比 x 系统参数 x 分配参数等 决定点赞者收入
- 持有SP超过 1W,就可以排入中文区榜单前20 喽
- @deanliu @ace108 的大腿很粗,快去抱紧啊 (给我留2块地方哦)
感谢阅读 / Thank you for reading.
欢迎upvote、resteem以及 following me @oflyhigh 😎
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This post received a 4.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @kyawsantun! For more information, click here!
没有,不明白的是许多代理SP从哪冒出来的 :)
沙发我是抢了,2SBD的赞有木有 :)
1 SBD 赞可不可以?
great content even for someone who can't read Chinese. Do you think you will ever have need for to put me on that list haha maybe never, but knows, remember my name and we will see. Please comment, follow and upvote... keep up the good work.

Thanks for the info. Upvoted.
Very good wish we became friends
nice and informative