Hello, Steemit. // 你好,Steemit。

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit.png

Hello, everyone. I'm @momok new to here. Thanks to the registration tutorial written by @tumutanzi, I finally got a Steemit account. I'm from China and usually write in Chinese, as I'm not so skilled in English writing for now.

I have a blog since 2014 and I'm active on Twitter and Sina Weibo. You can find me on these platforms. (Links will be listed at the end of this post.) I usually keep my eyes on the Internet and try to keep track by writing something, as I found it's an interesting experience to share my own opinions and ways to make a better digital life with people. Also, I used to post some articles on a Chinese tech blog Sspai.

I'm now experiencing the darkest period of my college life, my last year in college. I was troubled by the facts that my college is a not-so-good one and my mayor is not what I wished. I'm now suffering for my wasted time in the four years of my college life. Also, as I got my first credit card at the start of 2017, I'm now a credit card slave in fact. (That's also a reason why I joined Steemit. ) I hope I can change such a life.

Also, I have been confused about blockchain for a long time, I hope Steemit can be another point I start to learn about the blockchain tech.

大家好,我是初来乍到的 @momok。感谢 @tumutanzi 写的注册教程,我按照教程终于顺利注册到 Steemit 账号。鉴于到目前为止我并不擅长使用英文写作,所以我一般使用中文。

我想使自己成为一个有趣的人。我有一个从 2014 年开始经营的博客,也长期活跃于 Twitter 和新浪微博,你可以在这些平台上找到我。(链接列于本文文末)我关心互联网,并通过写作来分享自己一些(或许并不成熟的)看法和让数位生活变得更好的方法。我曾经在科技博客少数派投稿过一些文章,目前也正开始经营自己的微信公众号。

但我确实有着一个一团糟的生活。目前我正在经历大学生活中最黑暗的一年,大四。被三本大学的身份(尽管按照现行的招生政策已经并入二本)和所学专业并非自己所愿的双重噩梦夹击,大学四年一直破罐子破摔的我如今正面临十字路口无路可走的窘境。加之去年年初办理了信用卡之后陷入了消费主义的陷阱,如今已几乎是不折不扣的卡奴。(悄悄地说:这也是我想加入 Steemit 的直接原因。)我希望可以改变这样的生活。

此外,长久以来我对区块链的了解一直云里雾里,也希望 Steemit 可以成为自己对区块链开始了解的切入点。

Find me other where 在别处找到我


Hi, welcome to steemit never give up always finish what you started and I believe in you.

Welcome to Steemit! This might be your channel to express yourself to people who will appreciate your work. I know it's not easy to be in college, where I totally understand. The struggles on examinations and final exams definitely kills. But, I have faith in you that you will definitely make it!! Cheers and hope to see more from you soon!

Welcome to Steemit, @momok good luck, do not be discouraged! ;)

Thx for your support! I'll try my best here. :)


Welcome to Steemit and enjoy your stay!

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welcome to steemit