Chinese Crypto community weekly report 国内虚拟币界见闻八月第一周

in #cn7 years ago

引言 Abstract


Daenerys of the House Targaryen, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons

全球区块链指数Global Blockchain Index In the past one month

从图形上看,绝对是反弹,而且是大反弹,甚至超过了前阵子大跌之前的高点,由于BTC和BCC的争议几乎尘埃落地,BTC今天一度突破22000人民币,再次站上历史的高点。而BCC从5000以上跌倒了现在的1500左右,但已经比较稳定了。不过,如果大家注意一下自己手中除了BTC之外的各个币种的价格,会发现,大多数币离最高点时的价格还是腰斩的。说明什么呢? 一方面说明真神还是BTC,二是说明牛市进入了下半场,普涨的阶段已经过去了,但不排除某些币会被看好爆炒,这个就等大家自己去发掘了。

币圈观察 Observation


2、币圈大佬们的主业是开会。继维优主导的上海纷智全球区块链大会之后,比特时代也即将在深圳地区搞一次粤港澳区块链大会,再回想起一个月前西南地区区块链企业们在成都的区块链大会,大有三分天下的趋势啊。等等,北京去哪儿了? 如果说互联网创业北京最热,那么明显在区块链大潮来时,北京落伍了。 当然,所有的会中规模最大,也最最重要的,一定是下个月上海的万向大会啦。

3、这个月即将到来的ICO中,个人较关注的有ATMatrix, Vechain, Finchain, IPFS, Primas,。具体他们是什么就不一一介绍了,网上资料很多。不过我关注并不代表我要投资,只是从他们的简介中看到了一点新意,具体投资还要看一下各自的社区建设,市场推广,技术团队等等。

4、BTS链上又上线了一家交易所, 欢迎大家体验,这是一个新的UI设计,而且有一栏专门的内盘ICO列表,比较惊艳。 改天值得专门写一篇文章来介绍它。


6、steemit中文社区持续壮大,香港地区的美女帅哥们已经去办了一次meetup, 其他地区的人们也要抓紧了。谁肯辛苦组织活动,咱们大家就号召全部的力量给他点赞!


Dont understand what your saying but I love the Games of Thrones.
Here is a Tip.

Lol! Great clip!

If the future of bitcoin rise to $5000 mark, therefore steem dollar will follow the same from $0.998 to $20.

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Plexcoin is looking to take over the financial world, why pay a monthlyfee for bankmaccount and fees to covert currency and fee for that, the banks r robbing ppl of milllions. If people switch to plex they will save hundreds of dollars everyear in fees they would of paid to banks.. plexwallet can become a standard currency wallet and plexcard transaction will bring 2% coins back to market...this is bigger than we can all grasp...when something like this can be an enemy to central banks and anonimity is essential cause they can bribe or blackmail the members of this company to stop what they are doing..this is why the SEC and other countries are slowly starting to regulate coins cause they see them as a threat.. The most awaited White paper has published

Just imagine, How we missed opportunities by not buying BTC with small amounts of money." ... we could play that game with pretty much any investment that went huge, like investing in apple stock when it first went public. Bitcoin is especially painful though.Moral of it: Invest in BTC. right now. don't delay! A month ago (or was it less than that?) it was at 2700 and I was about to start my BTC IRA.
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voted you as witness :) Can you follow me and upvote my postd

Future bitcoin will set the $ 5,000 mark!

follow and upvote pleez sr


只要有人还觉得有用,我就尽量一致写下去 ^_^
