日本遊記 東京大阪之旅第三天 東京迪士尼第二回 // Japan trip to Tokyo and Osaka day three in Tokyo Disneyland Part two :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn8 years ago

Hello steemians ! It's me Tony from Hong Kong. Also this is my very first time posting travelling blog here, so really hope you like and support it by following me and upvote^^

大家好 我是來自香港的Tony 這一次是也是我第一次寫旅遊遊記 希望你喜歡 可以點我追隨和讚好支持我喔^^

The first place we found in the Tdl (tokyo disneyland) is the america town street which have many souvenir stores and restaurant for tourists to buy some great and cute souvenirs and have some food.

在東京迪士尼的第一個園區就是美國小鎮大街 有很多商店和餐廳 給遊客一個很集中的地方可以買東西和吃飽休息


We went to a cartoon zone but realized it's for children as there are many children and parents. Also a roller coaster designed for them. But the decoration are very adorable.

我們首先去了卡通園區 發現這是設計給小朋友的 因為區裡邊都是小朋友和家長們 而且有一條設計給小朋友玩的過山車 區內的佈置是很可愛的 ! 我們買了一條春卷吃 超好吃 !


Because it's still summer holiday and sunday there are too many people queueing to play the games, so we decided to walk around first as we have already been quite familiar to disneyland since we had annual pass in hongkong disney and we go to there too often xD
After a while we decided to queue up for the best roller coaster in Tokyo Disneyland which is the Thunder Mountain. However, I thought it was overrated as its quite boring to me or maybe I am too good at playing roller coaster. But we have queued it for 45 minutes and its so hot and spend so much time.

因為是暑假和星期天的關係 太多人排隊玩機動遊戲 所以我們先在園內逛逛 可能因為我們在香港有迪士尼全年年票 對迪士尼已經很熟識 很快就逛完 然後我們去排這迪士尼最刺激的過山車 巨雷山!但玩完之後我覺得他有點悶 不夠刺激 不夠快也不夠離心力 但排隊就用了45分鐘 又熱又排很久也挺辛苦的


After that, we go up to the Cinderella Castle which is sitting in the centre of the park and being famous of the logo of Disney. We queue up for around 10 minute to enter the castle. In the castle, there are many decorations displaying the beauty of the cinderella story. Also with a glass shoe and princess chair for visitors to take photo with.

玩完之後我們就去了灰姑娘城堡 就在迪士尼樂園的中心位置 非常有名而且也用來當迪士尼的標誌 排了大概十分鐘隊就誰去城堡 裡邊有很多很漂亮的裝飾展示了灰姑娘變成公主的故事 還有玻璃鞋和公主椅擺設給遊客去合照


We feel very hungry afterward and decided to have a BIG dinner in the Queen Of Heart restaurant which located in the cartoon world in Disney. Suprisingly it's like a buffet. You can take anything or order anything from the menu you like when you are moving across the queue. The restaurant is nicely decorated and the environment is relaxing and comfortable. Also, the prices of the food are reasonable, so it's recommended to have a great time there.

我們實在是太餓了 決定要去紅心餐廳吃大餐 餐廳是用類似自助餐方式 就是你一邊順著排的隊走 沿途可以隨便拿你想吃的東西 或者向服務員點菜 最後才付錢 這讓我挺驚喜的 餐廳的裝潢和擺設都很漂亮 環境令人放鬆和感覺舒服 最重要是價錢合理!很推薦大家去試一下


It's already night time, so there are less tourists and a good timing to queue up for the exciting game - Space Mountain ! A very unforgettable game after queueing up for 25 minutes as it is very speedy. I enjoy the feeling of speedy very much ! Everynight at 7:15pm, a parade will be held in the main road of the Disneyland in front of the cinderella castle and a firework show will be held at the castle afterward. Finishing the space mountain, we headed to the parade and watch the show. The castle turned into a story telling book which show many famous stories including cinderella, beauty and the beast etc. Very fascinating and attractive indeed.

已經入夜了 遊客人數都少很多 是很好的時機去排隊玩飛越太空山!真的是一個很難忘很刺激的機動遊戲 因為它跑超快 我很喜歡那種速度感 超爽的 排隊也只排了大概25分鐘 每天晚上7:15 在城堡外面的主要通道都會有遊行 然後在城堡會有表演煙火秀 所以玩完太空山後我們就去看遊行啦 遊行後的秀是把城堡投影成一本故事書的樣子 一邊有煙火燈光秀 一邊會講說很多有名的迪士尼故事 灰姑娘 美女與野獸等等 非常吸引和華麗的!


After a great day of having fun in disney, it's time to leave and take a ride to osaka by a overnight bus. It takes around 10 hours so very very long and exhausting ride. The bus provide a relatively comfortable seat for passengers to sleep. Most important is about the price which is way cheaper than flight and Shinkansen.

完成一個美好的迪士尼旅程後 要坐通宵巴士去大阪 車程要十個小時 所以是很長很累的 還好巴士提供了挺好的環境讓乘客可以睡好一點 最重要的是它比飛機和新幹線火車便宜超多!


This is an amazing night to in our trip. Thank you for reading my blog and hope you like it 🙂

這是個很美好的晚上 感謝你閱讀了我的遊記 希望你喜歡 更多的遊記會陸續繼續更新

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