⛰ Hiking around Mt. Fuji 在富士山的附近爬山 🇯🇵
Thinking about about my various times in Japan I found some poor quality but good photos of some hiking trips around the Mt. Fuji area.
I think Mt.Fuji is one of the most peaceful and beautiful places in the world, it may not be as stunning or breathtaking as other places people may think are better, but to me it is. It has this great aura about it.

I stumbled upon a cool underground cave that actually turned out to be an ice cave, the ice was formed and stored somehow related to the formation of the volcano.
If the ice wasn't melting you could tell that it was cold down here. haha
You can easily spend countless upon countless of days just wondering and relaxing in the beauty of the area.
I hope to find more pictures from my past and future travel trips in around around Asia and the rest of the world.
PS: Please try to look past the old and very bad quality of the pictures, I do not claim to be an photographer nor do I long to be.