Prague, the city of hundred bridges?
Hello friends,
Prague is known for its spires and is sometimes referred to as a city of thousand spires (Prague, the city of thousand spires? 布拉格,千塔之城?) and it is not very hard to disagree. However, it could as well be called the city of hundred bridges. Even though the most famous bridge is undoubtedly the Charles Bridge that I covered several times previously, it is estimated that there are more than three hundred of them. Those not only lead over the Vltava river but also over many other smaller rivers and brooks. Let me show you some of the major ones in couple of images below so you get an idea of what I mean😊… Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns about your upcoming travels to Prague or any other location in the Czech Republic. I am more than happy to help out my fellow steemians. Have a great day and keep on steeming.
布拉格以它的塔聞名,並有著「千塔之城」的美譽,相信大家都會認同的吧。然而,它還能被稱為「百橋之城」。雖然最出名的橋無可否認是我在之前多次提過的查理大橋,但在布拉格的橋足足有300條呢。它們不止橫跨伏爾塔瓦爾河,還橫跨了各種河流和小溪。讓我與大家分享它們的照片,然後大家就會知道我是什麼意思了😊 如果你對來布拉格或者捷克任何地方旅行有疑問的話,請隨時聯絡我。我很高興能幫助Steemians。祝大家有愉快的一天,讓我們一起Steeming吧!
Image source: Shutterstock
Author: William Perugini
Image source: Shutterstock
Author: Scanrail1
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Oh yes, there are a lot of bridges in Prague, which is worth only Charles Bridge, which with its beauty and grandeur will eclipse many bridges in the world. Thank you @czechglobalhosts
There is definitely a lot to see, not just the magnificent Charles Bridge itself.
Exactly, my friend, their whole set :)
I have dreamed of this Prague :) The city of thousands of spires was remembered more.
Make your dreams come true and book a plane ticket:)
Wow it looks awesome! Amazing place to visit! You are inspiring me to plan a trip to Czech! Thank you very much for sharing such wonderful experiences with us!
That's great that you feel inspired! I am glad to hear that. Tomas
@czechglobalhosts - Oh my goodness, it's beautiful Sir. A city with hundreds bridges :O Oh that's unbelievable Sir. Love your sharing Sir.
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
Thanks ever so much, glad to know you like it. Have a great day.
nice post and beautiful pictures. i like more the first one, the light gives this pic some magic .
thanks for sharing :)
Thank you for your positive comment. Have a good one.
simply amazing place.. great place to visit
I would love to visit someday..
Hopefully one day you will be able to as well. Have a great day.
Awesome...The most famous is the Charles bridge, which began construction in 1357 under the auspices of King Charles IV, and completed in the beginning of the 15th century.
Thank you for adding some more information to the post. Greatly appreciated.
wow......@czechglobalhosts most of the beautiful bridge and river ,this city looks like beautiful at day and night,nice trip,great photo capture ,thank you so much

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I remember the city of thousand spires. Now I know the city of thousand bridges. I will remember Prague like a city of thousands miracles.
I like that, "city of thousand miracles":).... is amazing....
Wonderful photograpy by @czechglobalhosts
Thank you so much. Tomas