Petřín Lookout Tower, Prague - Czech Republic/佩特辛山上的觀景塔steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

Hello friends,

One of the known landmarks of Prague yet often missed by tourists it the Petřín Lookout Tower. It was built as part of the Jubilee Exhibition in 1891 as a loose copy inspired by the Eiffel Tower (at a ratio of 1:5). It is 63.5 meters high, and 299 steps lead to its peak, which is at the same altitude as the real Eiffel Tower. Even though it is a popular destination it does not get that busy as other prominent locations in Prague since it is quite a walk from the down-town area. The walk itself is actually what makes it such a great morning or afternoon out spent during your visit of the Czech's capital city. If you are not that fit you can use the cable car going up and avoid the fairly steep climb up the hill. The cable car is part of the underground system so you can use your tube ticket. However, I would recommend you do your fair bit of exercise and walk since it gives you a perfect opportunity to take some beautiful pictures. For a small fee you can climb up the tower and see the entire Prague spread below. I would recommend leaving this landmark until you explore the city first so you can recognize your favorite places from there. This truly is one of my favorite places in Prague! What is yours?

在布拉格裡,其中一個遊客經常錯過的地標就是佩特辛山上的觀景塔了,它是依照巴黎著名的埃菲爾鐡塔為1981的百年博覽會建造的(以一比五的比例)。它有米高,離塔頂有299步,和真正的埃菲爾鐡塔有著同樣高度。即使它是布拉格裡一個十分有名的旅遊熱點, 它也沒有其他地方那麽熱鬧,大概是因為它離市中心較遠吧,你想在首都裡度過一個愉快的早上或下午的話, 徒步是一個不錯的選擇,如果你嫌累,你可以使用纜車上山,免去了爬陡峭山坡的風險,由於纜車是地下鐵系統的一部份,所以你可以使用你的tube票。然而,我建議你最好還是做一些鍛鍊和步行,因為這是一個拍下美麗照片的絕佳機會,付少許錢你就能爬上塔頂然後把整個布拉格的景色收入眼簾。我會建議你先到布拉格親身到訪這些地方,這樣你來這裡時就能認出下方的風景了。這是我在布拉格其中一個最愛的地方,你的又是什麼呢?


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: Anna Lurye


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: siloto


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: DaLiu


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: David Ionut


Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

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CEO & Founder of CGH

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very cool!

So fantastic

Actually this is amazing. Nice job

Thank you kindly.

This looks more cool tower amazing nature as always

Thanks ever so much!

oh yes, you have to be in good shape to climb this, but the views from the top have to be fantastic. thank you for sharing, and have upvoted you

LOL, it is quite a climb and the whole walk up the hill might not be for faint-hearted. Nothing too demanding but one needs to be fit for a bit of walking.

very nice

Thak you so much....

This is a grandiose structure and its height is impressive, thank you!

This truly is an amazing place to go to...

a very interesting story

Thank you for stopping by. Have a great day and steem on. Tomas

yo're welcome sir, i'm jonas not tomas

It's really a nice place from what I heard. I hope I can go there soon :) Thanks for sharing your fun and adventure! It's great.

It truly is absolutely magnificent! Hope you make it over here one day. Steem on.

From its height a beautiful view opens @czechglobalhosts, thank you for telling us about it :)

The views are absolutely stunning from the top! This is a must go place when in Prague!