Introduce myself: I am a new Steemitan!! 大家好!初加入Steemit大家庭~ (ENG/中文)

in #cn7 years ago

嗨Steemitans你好啊!好開心加入Steemit的大家庭,都是我男朋友 @jacklcp 介紹才知道有這樣一個可以供我分享所思所想的平台。希望大家多多指教啦!我最希望可以在Steemit跟來自不同國家的朋友互相交流支持,亦可以隨心所欲地表達自己無盡的想法哈哈!

Hi Steemitans! So excited to join this family soon after my boyfriend @jacklcp introduced me this platform which enables me to express my thoughts freely. I am looking forward to engage with people of all walks of life from different countries on Steemit, as well as share my feelings with you all haha!


我叫Connie! 來自香港的我在這個國際城市土生土長,不經不覺已經踏入21歲的年頭,現在於香港大學修讀社會工作及輔導的學士課程,還有一年就初出茅廬了(太快了吧?要找工作><)。我可是一個沒有音樂造詣、運動細胞及藝術天份的女生-____-,多希望自己會畫畫或精通一種樂器,好讓我被問及有什麼「專長」也有話可說。小時曾學過長笛3年,但奈何真的對學樂器沒有興趣。

I am Connie! Born and raised in Hong Kong, I am now 21, studying in the University of Hong Kong. My majors are social work and social administration, as well as counselling. Still one year to go before graduation ! (OMG! Time to find a grad job ><) Sadly, I am not gifted in music, sports or arts -____-, and I wish I could draw or have talent in playing instruments to tell others what my so-called talents are when asked hahah! I had learnt flute for 3 years but really did not manage to develop interest in it.



All these do not imply that I don’t like music. I love listening to music indeed, mostly pop songs, and sentimental ones. I also enjoy singing Karaoke and watching concerts. Maybe that’s why I am good at memorizing lyrics! HAHA!

大家猜我最喜歡的歌手是誰?「這是一首簡單的小情歌。。。」就是台灣樂團蘇打綠 SODAGREEN!!(有請尖叫聲~~) 小情歌只是他們其中一首代表作,還有很多不同風格的歌值得大家欣賞,我只能說他們真的很熱愛音樂,很努力做好自己的本份,把最好的音樂呈現給大家。

Guess who’s my favourite singer? That’s the Taiwanese pop band SODAGREEN! (SCREAM~~~) They have written songs of various styles and genres that are worth our appreciation. What I can tell about them is that they are diehard fans of music and work hard to show us their best music.

↓2013年第一次看蘇打綠 SODAGREEN演唱會! First time watching Sodagreen's concert in 2013!


Travelling seems to be everyone’s interest and I am not an exceptional case. I had been to the United Kingdom for the past 6 months for my exchange study. Having visited a number of European countries such as Germany, Iceland and Italy, I genuinely like the way travelling inspires me through widening my horizon and facilitating my reflection. I shall share more about my travelling experiences later!

↓威尼斯彩色島 Burano in Venice

↓在英國的吃貨生活XD My foodie life in the UK


Apart from that, I like photography. Photography allows me to reflect self and life, and enjoy tranquility. Each picture captures the angle of your shot, different angles reflect different views, same as our lives.

↓攝於葡萄牙 Portugal

↓攝於劍橋 Cambridge

↓攝於英格蘭 England


When it comes to milestones in my life that have shaped who I am today, being a member of Junior Police Call Service Unit and China Education Association are definitely one of them. In high school, I joined Junior Police Call Service Unit, a uniform group in my alma mater. I was promoted from a member to a trainer. I had encountered remarkable experiences including foot-drill and fitness trainings, hiking and camping. SU has ingrained me the meaning of team spirit, and enabled me to realize my potentials in leadership. I guess a large part of my personality was consolidated in those 4 years?

↓畢業禮 Passing-Out Parade Ceremony


In my university life, I joined another student organization, China Education Association. She is a registered charity. Do you know that some poor students in China struggle to pursue their studies due to financial hardship? CEA was founded to help subsidize their studies. We organized a series of fundraising events and visited the students in mainland China and hold volunteer teaching trips to teach students. I joined it to help the poor students in China as much as possible. ‘Life Enlightens Life’ is our motto. We believe that knowledge can change one’s fate.



Never is repaying our society a hard job. Just have empathy and passion in your mind. In the end, i am surprised to realize how much I gain from interacting with the students. They teach me perseverance and to have faith in future. Happiness or bitterness, depends on our subjective minds.



Anyway, thank you very much for your attention! I hope to engage with everyone more, you may comment after reading, let me know how you think. Please follow me if you like my post. Let’s Steem together!


Welcome to steemit my friend...

Thank you my friend!

Welcome to the community!

Welcome here on Steemit Connie. I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. Already very nice pictures. Thank you very much to let us discover a little bit your life!


Thank you! Please stay tuned and I will work hard

Welcome to steemit :D

Awesome stuff. Welcome to Steemit! Congrats on this post. You really made some great initial progress in your first day. Post great content, get rewarded :)

Talk soon!

Thank you for your encouragement :)

Only a pleasure :) How does it feel that your first ever post went viral? :)

Haha It's still far from being viral! But so far I am very excited to receive others' support ;) Thank you!

Well it depends how you look at it ;) Any introduction post that makes over $100 in today's time is considered 'viral' :) Back when STEEM price was higher, it was a different story, but trust me, that's a great payout :)

Talk soon!

Wellcome to the community!


謝謝你:) 多多指教!

You’re beautiful. 😀 🙏
Smile 😀 💞

Haha you too! Thank you so much! :D

Welcome to steemit Connie

Hello Connie, welcome to Steemit, enjoy :-)

Thank you very much!