绿萝养护全攻略:让你的绿萝绿油油!*** Pothos Care 101: How to Keep Your Pothos Looking Lush!*

in #cn6 months ago (edited)


As a plant enthusiast, I’ve found that caring for plants can bring peace and comfort in a busy life. While I’ve attempted to grow various plants, not many have thrived. However, the pothos is an exception—it has flourished under my care. I’ve noticed many people struggle with growing pothos, but with a few simple tips, it’s easy to maintain. Let me share my experience:

  • 澆水原則:等到土壤乾燥時再澆水。我通常通過感受花盆的重量來判斷是否需要澆水。

  • 光照管理:綠蘿喜歡陰涼環境,過度陽光會導致葉子發黃。如果發現葉子變黃,及時將其移到陰涼處。冬季除外,其他季節避免將綠蘿放在陽台上暴曬。

  • 澆水技巧:最好使用雙層花盆,外層透明。將水倒入外層盆中,讓根部自然吸收水分。定期檢查外層盆中的水量,及時補充。

  • 避免根部浸泡:雖然綠蘿可以水培,但長期浸泡根部會導致青苔生長,影響植株健康。

  • 修剪管理:定期修剪過長的藤蔓,以確保植株形態美觀,並平衡營養分配。

  • 營養補充:每週使用1-2次稀釋的綠蘿專用葉面肥,幫助植株持續生長新葉。

  • Watering principle: Water only when the soil is dry. I usually determine this by feeling the weight of the pot.

  • Light management: Pothos thrives in shady environments, and too much sunlight can cause the leaves to turn yellow. If the leaves start yellowing, promptly move the plant to a shaded area. Avoid leaving it in direct sunlight during other seasons, except winter.

  • Watering technique: It’s best to use a double-layer pot with a transparent outer layer. Pour water into the outer pot, allowing the roots to naturally absorb moisture. Regularly check the water level in the outer pot and refill as needed.

  • Avoid soaking the roots: While pothos can grow in water, prolonged submersion of the roots can lead to algae growth, affecting the plant’s health.

  • Pruning management: Regularly prune overgrown vines to keep the plant’s shape attractive and to balance nutrient distribution.

  • Nutrient supplementation: Use diluted pothos-specific foliar fertilizer 1-2 times a week to support continuous new leaf growth.



  • 光照:雖然綠蘿需要充足光照,但要避免直射陽光,特別是夏季。
  • 溫度:適宜生長溫度為15-25℃。冬季注意保暖,避免低於5℃;夏季注意降溫。
  • 水分:根據季節調整澆水量。冬季減少澆水頻率,夏季適當增加。

Additionally, pay attention to the following points:

  • Light: Pothos requires adequate light but should be kept out of direct sunlight, especially during summer.
  • Temperature: The ideal growth temperature is between 15-25°C. In winter, ensure warmth, avoiding temperatures below 5°C; in summer, take steps to keep it cool.
  • Water: Adjust the watering frequency according to the season. Reduce watering in winter and increase it during summer as needed.

By following these simple methods, I believe you too can easily grow a lush pothos, adding a touch of natural vitality to your life.