我家冰箱罢工了 My refrigerator is on strike.

in #cn4 months ago

叫废品站师傅过来回收,谁料他说只能卖20块钱。我还以为至少可以值个200块呢,没想到旧家电这么不值钱!2000块的冰箱 ,才用几年,师傅有没有在坑我呢?

My refrigerator went on strike, and I asked the scrap station worker to come and recycle it, but he said it would only sell 20 yuan. I thought it would be worth at least 200 bucks. I didn't realize that old appliances are so worthless! The 2000 yuan refrigerator has only been in use for a few years. Is the master trying to screw me up?